Chapter XXXIV: Kira Case [Part 4] The Death Note

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I know the timeline may be a little mixed up with this chapter and I'm sorry if this seems a bit rushed but I'm trying to wrap up the Kira case and that should happen in the next few chapters. Other than that I just want to thank you guys for your awesome support so far. Thank you guys so, so much! I'm glad you're enjoying!

Sorry for all of the grammatical errors. A majority of the time I just write and then post and read over it and fix the errors later.

Hope you guys enjoy this one! Heads up: things are about to get spicy and yes... there will be a lemon.


"You want to what?!" Matsude shouts, gaining a handful of eye rolls and groans from the other officers around him. 

I simply smile at his energetic behavior and continue to spin around in my chair with one leg hanging over the arm as I happily munch on a slice on chocolate cake. 

"Matsude, please. We can all hear you." L states with a mouthful of donuts. He continues to stack sugar cubes into his tea. Currently, he was at number 21 and still going. 

Chief Yagami sighs before rubbing his temples with his fingers. 

"L... are you saying that you intend to handcuff yourself to my son. In order to prove his innocence?" He asks, slowly relaying what L just suggested.

L hums before swallowing a mouthful of sweets and swiveling around to meet the group of officers currently huddled around him.

"Hm, actually, I just want to keep a better eye on him. If Light really is Kira,"

"Like you say he is." The Chief grumbles.

"Yes, as I say, and if miss Amane is the second Kira like anticipated, then this may not even stop the murders from happening. " L finishes, his dark eyes scanning over the small group of people around him before landing on me.

"Then how would that help us... at all?" Matsude states, standing up, dumbfounded.

"As Ryuzaki said, it may not stop the murders but it will certainly tell us if Misa and Yagami are a part of this case in anyway shape or form." I say with another small smile. 

Light gives me a knowing look at the use of his last name and Misa merely furrows her brows in confusion. 

'Hm, L seems pretty worn out from last night... I wonder what exactly happened.'  I smirk at him, spotting a few dark spots on his neck, carelessly left exposed, that certainly weren't there last night... well, before I left.

"Well, I'm all for it!" Kira- uh, I mean, Light states with pride. He stands from his seat on the couch and makes a bee-line straight for L. 

He stops only a few steps away from L, towering over him. Only I could see the looks on both of their faces as they had one of the most intense staring contests I've ever seen. It was almost as if they each had an aura around them, Light's being red while L's was a light blue.

Well, I think I've always liked blue a little more anyway.

I roll my eyes and click my tongue as they continue to stare at each other, a menacing look on both of their faces. 

"Tch." At that sound, they both steal a glance at me, both for different reasons before Watari walks my side.

"Sir." He says, bowing slightly at the waist, offering L the pair of handcuffs with one of the longest chains I've yet to see on a single pair.

"Here." L says, handing Light the other end of the hand cuffs after effortlessly clicking the other on one of his wrists.

Light seems to reconsider the offer before catching me out of the corner of his eye. I watch him with a smirk, casually my leg back and forth before mouthing the word 'chicken'. Light's expression suddenly turns to one of determination and he reaches out, grabbing the handcuff.

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