Chapter III: My Salvation

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***Another Time Skip***

              I've been living with L for the past few weeks, almost a month. I remember meeting him for the first time: Naomi and I had just made our way to a large building in some other region of Japan (I forgot what Naomi called it, I was too caught up in my thoughts to care).

                Anyway... once we entered the tall building, we were greeted by an elderly gentleman with black rimmed glasses in a butlers uniform. He greeted us, saying that his name was Watari and that he was an assistant of L's. He lead us to a couple elevators, stairwells, and hallways before leading us inside a darker room. The sudden change of lighting unnerved me a tad, but my eyes soon adjusted to the several, large computer screens in front of us. It was then that I noticed a chair in front of them and a tuff of black hair sticking out of the top. 

            'Huh, just like BB. So this is L?' My thoughts were interrupted as a monotone but strong voice answered my unspoken question. 

            "I am L." he said before turning around in his chair.

            His appearance was not what I was expecting, to say the least. He wore a long sleeved white t-shirt and long blue jeans. His feet were bare, and his black hair looked in dire need of a brush. His pale skin helped accent the black bags under his eyes. 

            "It's nice to meet you, Ms. (n/n). That is, if you don't mind me calling you that." He says, plainly. 

            "How do you know my... name?" I ask him, ignoring the last part. He then reaches behind him and grabs a plate with a half eaten piece of strawberry cake on it. He takes a bit of cake on his fork and before putting it in his mouth, he made an 'ahh' sound just like a child would.

            Just the sight of the cake made my mouth water. That cake looked delicious and it had been a while since I had eaten. Then his voice brought me out of my thoughts.

            "Actually, I know a lot about you, (n/n)." he said, his dark eyes finally meeting mine.

            "We had to watch you for a while. We were waiting to see who BB's next target was going to be." I stared at him before asking.

             "Wait, target?" I tilt my head.

             "Yes. BB was actually a serial killer that Ms. Naomi and I have been trying to catch for a couple months now." he takes another bite of his cake. Once it's finished, he begins to play with the strawberry left on his plate. 

              I look at the berry with hungry eyes. Thankfully, L sees the look of hunger on my face, asking me if I would care to join him. I gladly accept (duh). I walked over to his side and took the seat next to him. I was slightly disappointed that there was no meat on the table in front of us... there wasn't even bacon! But I did have to admit, those sweets looked amazing! And I was right. I later learned that they were the work of Watari. I guess that you can say that he and L were the reason that I became addicted to sweets. I ate other things of course, but I could never deny a treat from L.

           It was kind of weird how I just started to live with him. He knew that I lived in the alley way, of course and therefore invited me to come live with him in his personal HQ that was more or less a rather extravagant hotel. 

          I became good friends with L and although I wouldn't admit it out loud (at least not now), I looked to him as a father figure. He ordered Watari to take me out and buy me some new clothing, something that I was highly grateful for. I spent my free time (pretty much all of my time) working with L as he taught me a more and more about his line of work everyday. Since he wasn't currently busy with a case, we spent a lot of time together and then the unthinkable happened. One day, he gave me a new name. Yes, that's right, a new name. I was, as of now, (Y/n) Lawliet. He had told me his real name earlier on and I had taken quite a liking to making up new nicknames for him. My personal favorite was Lawlipop.

           "(y/n)." L mumbled one day. 

            I had been sitting behind him on the floor.  I was currently working on a puzzle behind him and stretching at the same time. Ever since L took me in, he decided that I should learn a form of self protection, aside from what I already knew from my practice with knives. He had begun training me since then and that training did include stretching.

           I had gotten a lot better at all of the above, even though I was already extremely flexible from my training for my previous 'performances'. His training wasn't at all what I had expected, but let's just say that he was much more capable of kicking your butt than he looked. I would know.

           I hummed in response before peering into his dark eyes with my (e/c) ones. 

           "I've been thinking." he starts. 

           "Uh-oh." I joke with him, flashing him a playful smirk to which he responds with a small smile of his own. 

          "And I think it would be best if I were to give you an alias." He stated.

          "Oh really? Well, what did ya have in mind?" I ask, standing up from my stratal split. 

          "Well, call me crazy-"


           I then take a piece of chocolate from his large plater before taking a seat in front of him. He decided to ignore my comment and continue. 

           "I think that it could be Karma." I blankly stare at him for a couple of minutes, nothing but silence passing between us. 

            "Karma." I mumble, getting used to the sound of the name rolling off of my tongue. 

            "Yes I like it!" I smile before taking another bite off of my chocolate bar. 

          "Gives a new meaning to 'Karma's a b*tch.' " I laugh. 

         "Actually, that's what I was thinking." He mumbled, making me laugh even harder, almost falling out of my chair.

***Time skip***

            L and I had talked and he had told me that he wanted me to continue working with him, but he wanted me to attend a place called Whammy's before I did so. He wanted to make it official. Apparently it was the place that he grew up. He told me that I could learn to work with him, and maybe even surpass him. I agreed. I was now set to leave in three months.

           Well, that was three months ago. I now stood at the front doors of Whammy's. Watari lead me inside to a small dorm. He said that this would be my room and that I would most likely be by myself for a while since there weren't too many girls here at the time.

           "That's fine, besides this room looks quite cozy." I tell Watari as he places my bags by my twin sized bed. 

          The room consisted of two bookshelves, a desk, a window, a small closet, and a sitting area between the bookshelves. 

           "Very good then. Master L said that this room would be most likely to please you." I fall onto the bed, the warm blankets embracing me. 

          "Well, I gotta give it to him, he knows me well." 

         With that, Watari gave me a tour of the entire orphanage and told me of a few people who I should look for if I need anything. Before he left he gave me a small piece of paper. An address was written on it in neat cursive writing. 

        "If you shall need anything, have any questions, or simply find yourself lonely, you can write to L and myself. Either one of us will be more than happy to respond no matter what we're doing or what your letter shall contain." He smiles at me as I take the paper. I put the paper in my pocket and throw my arms around him before whispering a 'Thank you.'  into his jacket. He chuckles before patting my back. 

         "Of course. Remember, we are always available." I nod once more before waving to him as I watch him leave through the front gates of the building. 

           I wave and shout farewells until after he is out of sight, him doing the same. I then walk back to my room and pull out the paper before falling onto my bed once more. 

          'Well, I think that I have finally found a place to call home.'  I cradle the paper close to my chest before letting the sweet feeling of sleep wash over me.

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