Chapter V: Wait... what test!?

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             After breakfast, I decided to stick with Matt, Mello, and Near considering that they were the only people I knew. Just by sitting with them at breakfast I seemed to get a feel for their personalities.

           Near mostly stayed quiet and he seemed to prefer to observe things before he made a move. 'Smart choice.' 

            While on the other hand, Mello and Matt seemed to be complete idiots. Not in a bad way though. They both seemed incredibly smart, but Matt was glued to his DS screen and Mello seemed to have a chocolate fetish. I don't blame him. 'He seems to like sweets a lot like L does.' 

           "Hey, Karma we're gonna go head outside. Wanna come with us?" Mello calls to me as he and Matt stand from the table, Near collecting his toys. 

         "Sure." I stand and follow the three boys out of the dining hall and towards a large grassy field. 

        There were a couple of large trees scattered around the field, but the biggest one was closest to us. Matt and Mello were a few feet ahead of Near and I, so Near decided to take this opportunity to speak. 

         "L sent you here, didn't he?" I give him a surprised look. 'How could he have known that?' Near continues to stare straight ahead as we take a seat on the moist grass by a large tree. 

        "Yeah he did." I watch Near as he twirls a strand of hair around his finger.

       "I thought so. You act like him." Near turns to me with his usual blank stare. 

        "Oh, really?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Near smirks before continuing. 

        "You also think like him, don't you?" Now this statement did shock me.

        I didn't think that that much of L's personality had rubbed off on me, even though I had been living with him for a while. Near gives me an innocent smile before turning to look at something out in front of us. I follow his gaze to find Matt and Mello wrestling on the ground. They seemed to have started off by sparring but that obviously went off track, and Matt seemed to be winning.

            They both sat up and started to talk, Mello rubbing his shoulder that Matt had punched earlier and Matt with a pleased expression on his face. 

            "Seems like Matt won." I state to Near. 

           "That's a first." he states matter-of-factly as the other two began to make their way towards us.

           "Hey, Karma! Wanna give it a try?" Matt smirks as Mello puts out a hand for me.

           "Not in these boots." I joke. Matt snickers as Mello rolls his eyes before he bends down. I then felt myself being lifted off of the ground.

            "Wait, hold on! Mello put me down!" Mello continued to walk faster away from where I sat next to Near, Matt only a few steps ahead. I mouth 'Help me' to Near who only shrugs his shoulders and smirks. 

            I glare at the him before Mello puts me down on my feet. As soon as I felt my hands were free, I punched Mello in the right arm. 

           "Come on, is that the best you've got?" Mello smirks.

           It was then my turn to smirk as a new wave of confidence washes over me. I lift up my arm and prepare to strike him in the arm once more. Easy right?

            Once I knew he was concentrated on my hand, I lifted my opposite foot and kneed him in the stomach, not enough to hurt him, but enough to stun him for a moment. His eyes widened before he stared at me in shock. I then heard foot steps from behind me and realized that Matt was planning on making a move. I turned around and planned for my leg to make contact with the side of his head, only for it to hit the side of his arm. 

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