Chapter XXVIII: Kira who-now?

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I inhale deeply and lift my arm from underneath the warm blanket, reaching out for the button on my alarm clock. I plop my arm back down on the pillow next to me and groan ever so quietly before cracking my eyes open. 

I stare at the wall on the other side of the room as I wait for my eyesight to adjust to the silver rays of light that manage to seep through the cracks in my blinds. I shift slightly, turning on my side and lifting my hand to pull the covers down slightly. The corners of my mouth tilt upward as I spot a pale, stitched arm under the sheets, securely wrapped around my waist. 

I trail my eyes up the arm and to the body of the owner and move slightly so that I could run my fingers through his white locks, earning a soft groan from him. He opens his eyes and I smile, gazing down at him. 

"Morning, sleepyhead." I giggle as he stretches, groaning a bit.

"Morning, (y/n)-chan." He mumbles before smiling up at me. 

"Did you sleep well?" I ask.

He nods before plopping his head back down on my stomach.

"What about you?" He mutters.

"I slept great. You make a great teddy bear, you know that?" I smile at him.

His eyes flicker up to mine and he nuzzles into my side.

I chuckle before deciding to hop out of bed to make breakfast. I hear him groan as I roll out the bed, causing me to smirk. 

"Ugh, (y/n)-chan. It's coooooold. Don't leave..." he whines, kicking his feet, making the blanket fly up. 

I laugh before walking over to him, leaning over the bed and planting a sweet kiss on his forehead.

"Well, I'm hungry, so I'm gonna make breakfast. So, you can either stay here, or you could help me." I mumble into his ear. 

He takes a deep breath before letting out a long sigh, giving in.

"Fiiiiine." He slowly sits up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before sluggishly climbing out of bed and putting of his slippers. It was then that I noticed he still didn't have on a shirt, due to last night. I look to the side as he walks closer to me. He hums softly before grabbing my chin, making me look at him. 

I feel my face heat up as I attempt to back out of his grasp, but to no avail. 

"What's wrong, (y/n)-chan?" He smirks, evilly. "You didn't seem to be so flustered last night." He leans closer to the point where I can feel his warm breath flutter across my face.

'This boy, I swear!'

"No wonder you're cool, put on a shirt!" I scold, my face still red. I pick up the nearest piece of clothing and throw it at him, hitting him square in the face.

I turn to leave down the hallway, only to hear his voice follow after me.

"This is your shirt~" He calls. 

I feel my face heat up even more before I spin back around too yell down the hallway. 

"Whatever!" I shout, irritated by his early morning teasing. 

I proceed to make my way into the kitchen as I hear him giggle behind me. I roll my eyes and begin to pull out a few pans. I was planning on making something like eggs, bacon, and something sweet like pancakes or a breakfast cake to satisfy both our sweet-tooths.

 I shuffle through the cabinets, grabbing everything that I'll need to make come sort of crumb cake. I then make my way into the fridge and grab a carton of eggs alongside a pack of bacon. I start to mix to together the ingredients for a crumb cake before and idea hits me. 

Juuzou x Reader (Tokyo Ghoul/Death Note Crossover)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora