Chapter XXXI: Kira Case [Part 1]

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It was raining...

I could tell.

(It's like I have ESPN or something.)

I was also cold. Not dreadfully cold, like the type in which you'd catch a cold if you stayed out too long. It was more of the type of cold that would give you goosebumps on your arms and legs, but no matter how much you tried to rub your limbs in order to keep them away, they just wouldn't leave.

I opened my eyes and it took only seconds for me to take in the familiar scenery. It was dark outside, the sky hidden behind the gargantuan storm clouds that loomed overhead. I could make out the soft blinking of lights from nearby buildings below me. They flickered just like little stars, only, I could still see these even on dark nights like this.

I felt a chilly breeze sweep around me from behind and I shivered, pulling the jacket around my body tighter as my hair brushed against my cheeks.

I was, in fact, standing atop the HQ building that I had learned to call home. L's HQ. It had been years since I had been here and now that I'm here, I feel... different. Different, as in... something was off. Like something terrible was about to happen. And yet, I didn't feel like I was in any danger myself.

I look up at the sky and let the cold raindrops wash down my face like some sort of river. I took and breath and let out a sigh, watching as the air turned into a cloud of steam in front of me. The corners of my lips twitch upward and I remember just how much I love the rain.

I close my eyes, letting nostalgia take over my senses for a moment, only to have that dreadful feeling return again. I feel something warm run down my face and my eyes snap open. The rain was cold, so what was this? I tried to just my vision through the blurry haze in my eyes as the warm feeling continued to stream down my face, but I could barely make out the figure in front of me. Not that I even noticed it was there in the first place.

I could hear a soft whimpering and something about it made my eyes water more. Why do I feel so... sad? Who is that crying?

I wipe my eyes just enough to finally see the silhouette in front of me. I could make out the figure of what looked to be a girl. I could see her soaked form as she stood on the ledge of the building, facing me, but looking down at her feet.

"... why?" She mutters so quietly that I figure it was more to herself than me.

"Why did he have to leave me?" I look up at her to see she's now staring up at the sky.

Her eyes were bloodshot and she continued to whimper as mascara streamed down her face due to the mixture of rain and tears. Her lips stick was smeared a bit, and her brown eyes showed no trace of any other emotion but sadness.

I felt my knees begin to shake and I slowly began toward her. It was as if I knew exactly what to do, like this was a memory, although I have never seen this person in my entire life.

I took another cautious step forward and reached out to her, holding mu palm up. I don't know what I was doing, or why I was doing it, but something inside me created a severely intense hope that she would still have enough sense in her to take hold of my hand.

I felt my lips quiver before words that weren't even mine spilled out in a slow and somehow calm manner, as if a parent were to speak to a young child, convincing them that there is nothing to cry about.

"Please... please don't... jump." I looked up at her as she continued to look up at the sky.

The rain had completely matted down her long, blonde hair, but it still shimmered in the faint light provided by the other buildings below us.

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