Chapter XXXIII: Kira Case [Part 3] Close Proximity

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"You're nothing but a monster... the only reason they work with you is because they're afraid of you. They don't trust you, none of them. In fact, they never have and your pathetic for even thinking so."

I shake my head violently as my shouts are muffled by the gag tied tightly around my mouth.

'That's not true... right?'

Even though I can't speak my mind, my mother seems to understand me anyway. 

"Aw, are you crying?" She taunts as a few salty tear drops roll down my cheeks. 

"Now, now. There's no need for that. A lady never cries." I feel a cold thumb run over my cheek, wiping away my tears only for more to follow. 

She bends down, dark shadows contouring her face as she inches ever-so-closer to mine. Once I can feel her hot breath on my cheek, I shiver, causing that all too familiar face to break out into a disturbing grin.

"They never loved you. You call them your family but you really think that they care?" I yank on my arms and legs, pulling on the chains that connect them to the wall, only succeeding in merely shaking the heavy, rusty pieces of metal.

"Be honest with yourself, you're only keeping them around for food." My eyes widen and I shout into the gag, shaking my head again only for a cold hand with long fingers to grab my jaw.

"A lady shouldn't lie either." A frown breaks onto those dainty pink lips of her's and she pushes my head into the concert wall behind me. I hear a loud crack upon impact and my vision goes blurry. 

"Perhaps it's time for another lesson." Her figure walks toward the center of the room, letting the light shower over themselves, fully illuminating her figure. 

Mother stood in all of her glory, a beautiful, young, fashionable, rich lady that could easily get anything she wanted with a simple smile and wave. Every man would've done anything for her to merely get a glance in their direction but she'd still wave them off. Then again, she would do anything for father too. They were both crazy, they fell to insanity together and that's just where they belong. Together, till the day they die. 

Her fur wrap fell off her slender shoulders, exposing her soft, white skin. I watched as golden locks draped down her back like a waterfall Midas had blessed with his touch. Her velvet dress fit her frame as all of her clothing did and her heels produced a soft click that resounded throughout the small cell with even the littlest of steps. 

She turned back to me, her pink lips stretched into a devilish grin as her emerald eyes held only malice. She slowly made her way back to me, neither one of us breaking our stare until she was back in front of me, letting me see her face to even the smallest detail. She always wanted to be beautiful. That's what she told me. That's why I was to always dress my best, be the perfect young lady. Follow the rules and do as she says. But the truth was, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire existence. No one had even come close. Not even myself. She always praised my looks, saying how much I looked like my father, the love of her life. That was what probably lead her to want me to be able to play the part of both lady and lord.

She lets out a dark chuckle and a scream catches in my throat as she thrusts the iron poker into my stomach. 

'It's not real. It's not real. She's not here.' I close my eyes, trying to wake myself up, but this dream, like the others, had no escape until the end. 

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