Chapter XXIX: A Mask for What?

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Turns out he did actually want to build a pillow fort

and color pictures

and we may or may not have watched a few kid shows that happened to be on. To be honest, they weren't that bad.

I hear my phone buzz again and I nonchalantly look over at the device on the table in front of me. I lift my head of off Juuzou's chest, just enough to read the reminder on the screen.

                                                                      'Anteiku Shift: 3:15 - 6:30'

Well, it looks like todays shift will be short and sweet. I hope...

I stand up after telling Juuzou that I have to get ready, and make my way to the bedroom to change into my uniform. Once I'm done, I walk back out and grab my phone. I turn back around to see Juuzou staring at me.

"What?" I ask, suddenly feeling self conscious in the outfit I'm in. 

He stays quiet as he walks closer until he's in front of me. His eyes scan over me before he looks at the top of my head.

"What?!" I ask again, annoyed by his staring. 

"You look cute in that, (y/n)-chan. But you know what would make you even cuter?" I step back as he takes another step forward. 

"Cat ears!" He grins widely and I shift slightly embarrassed at his comment. 

'Really, (y/n)! Now isn't the time for thoughts like that!'  I scold myself as I try to imagine how exactly that scenario would play out before looking back at my still grinning boyfriend. 

I swiftly lean up and place a chaste kiss on his lips before opening the door to leave.

"Maybe." I mumble before walking out the door and shutting it behind me. 

Too bad I left in such a rush. If only I looked back for a second, I could've seen my darling boyfriend break into a slight blush. Maybe that was what he meant...?

Anyway, back to my.

I made my way down the side walk to Anteiku, happy to be able to be back at the café. It made  me feel safe, just being there, and I enjoyed the people there. It made working there that much better. 

I check my watch before opening the door, walking in. 

'Hm, early. Good, Nishiki will appreciate that.'

Once I walk in, I'm met with the two other workers.

"Oh hey, (y/n)!"I look up and see Nishiki lazily leaning against the counter, propped up by his elbow.

Just then Touka walks in.

"Good morning, guys." I smile at them as I walk over to Touka to give her a hug. She seems a little surprised at first but she ends up returning the gesture. 

"Heyo, (y/n)! What's up?" I hear a familiar voice call my name and turn around to see Hide sitting next to Kaneki by the bar.

"Oh, hey Hide." I wink at him as he sends me a two fingered salute.

"Wait, how do you two know each other?" Kaneki asks with wide eyes.

I smile and scratch the back of my neck before answering.

"Well, you remember when we were walking home after that night with Shuu?" Kaneki visibly shutters as everyone else groans. 

"I ran into him then. I noticed he was coming from your place and I remember seeing you two together before." Everyone nods as I finish the story.

Truth is that after meeting Hide we started off pretty good and I think it was because he reminded me of my brothers.

"Of course you decide to come in today. There hasn't been much business so far." Nishiki groans before stretching his arms up over his head. 

"Really? But this is usually when we have the most costumers." I frown slightly thinking that I may have come all this way for nothing. Not like it was the trip that was a problem, but I have to get ready for L...

"Well, since we don't seem to have too much to do, I guess today would be the right time." Touka places the tray she was carrying on a nearby table. 

Nishiki nods his head.

"To do what?" I ask slowly. 

"To get you your mask of course." A new voice chimes in just as the 'Employees Only ' door opens to reveal Mr. Yoshimura. 

"Oh good morning, sir." I bow my head slightly and give him a smile to match his. 

"I have asked Touka here to take you to Uta so that you could have a mask before you have to leave." He states calmly. 

"Okay, but-wait... how'd you know I have to leave soon?" I tilt my head to the left. 

"You seem like you are. It's as simple as that." He says with another smile. 

'I still don't get it.' 

"Um... okay then. So where is this Uta guy?" I turn to Touka who has just grab her green jacket. 

"Here, get changed." She says, throwing me a pair of what looked to be her clothes. 

"Uh, okay then." I say, letting that fact that she still hasn't answered me slide. Because we all know that  Touka of all people is not one for too many questions. 

I make my way into the bathroom to change and look at the clothes she gave me. It was a black tank top with a crisscross design on the neck and chest, jean material shorts and sheer socks that ended right above my knees with my pair of ankle boots that I came in wearing. 

"Bye, guys!" I wave at everyone before leaving.

"Bye, (y/n)!" "See ya!"

After I change, I make my way out of the bathroom to meet Touka at the front door of the café. 

"Took ya long enough." She scowls before smiling at me. 

A smile and follow her as she starts down the sidewalk. We walk for a while before she breaks the silence. 

"So..." she starts. I look over to her as soon as I hear her start to talk.

"What's your story?" She shoves her hands in her pockets and looks away from me to the side.

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to get a good look at her face, but not exactly able to read her expression.

She lets out an annoyed sigh before turning to face me, she looks almost angry.

"You're a half ghoul, right? How'd that happen? Don't tell me you were born like that or some sh*t." She looks at me for a second, waiting for a response before looking down at the ground.

"Well, actually..... kinda..." I say hesitantly.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. I have a feeling that she's about to burst at me, but I see her eyes soften for just a moment before she looks back at me.

"How?" She questions.

"That's almost impossible." I nod in agreement before hooking my thumbs into the belt loops of my shorts. 

"Yeah so I'm told, but it's amazing what science can do. You see, to put it simply," i find myself biting the corner of my lip before I continue "I'm really just a human with an over abundant amount of RC cells." I admit.

She looks at me and tell that she still wants me to talk, but I don't know what she wants to hear. She must've noticed my uncomfortable state because she changes the subject.

"Well... have you thought about any designs for your mask?" She asks me with a small smile. 

"Um... actually no. What about you?" 

We both laugh as she shakes her head.

"Well, let's see what Uta says." She walks in front of me and down a skinny alley way before pulling open a door at the end of it.

Juuzou x Reader (Tokyo Ghoul/Death Note Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now