Chapter XXXVI: Kira Case [Part 6] Let Me Show You (Lemon)

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This one is going to be a lemon so pucker up and get ready for the ride. If you're not into this type of stuff then please skip this chapter. You're not really going to miss much, plot wise.


I take a deep breath and run my hand through my hair as I stand in front of the door to my apartment.

'Okay, he should be here, especially at this time.'  I reassure myself, checking a nearby clock on the wall. It was around ten or so at night.

'Okay, here goes nothing.'

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

'Why do I feel so nervous? Am I afraid I'll slip up? But what do I have to worry about?'  I shake my head and lift my hand to the knob before I hear a voice behind me, one I've only heard over taps and live audio recordings.

"Hehehehe. I didn't think you'd actually do it. I mean, the way you ripped that last guy to shreds. Wow, that was entertaining. Hahahahaha." I spin on my heel. That raspy voice could only belong to one and only Ryuk.

In all honesty, seeing him -out of all things- in person gave me goosebumps. He wasn't really the most... pleasant being to lay eyes on.

He towers over me by a several feet, his permanent smile stretched across his... lips?

I was silent for a moment, trying to figure out why in the world he would follow me out of all people. Is this something for Light? No, he wouldn't do something that required this much work just for Light.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ryuk the shinigami. Forgive me for asking but did Light send you?" I ask, sarcastically, almost chocking on the word Light itself.

He chuckles again before responding. "No, I didn't do this for his sake. In fact, I doubt he even knows where I am, much less that I'm with you of all humans." I scowl at him.

"I actually came here to tell you something I figured you'd be... interested in knowing." I look up at him, staring up into his beady eyes.

"And what would that be?" I ask, hoping he's not pullling my leg.

"Hmhmhmhmh, well, I saw what you did to those ghouls back there and I figured you did that because you deemed it too risky to make a move on Light right now, right?" Although his features don't change, I don't think they can to be honest, I could hear the smirk in his tone and the smugness in his voice

"And?" I inquire, becoming impatient. Light was legitimately the last person I wanted to hear about at the moment.

"No matter what you do or how you feel, you cannot be the one to end Light Yagami." My eyes widen at the statement.


"Are you serious?" I ask in awe and slight disappointment. What I would give to be the one that finishes that bastard.

"Why not?" My reply was curt and not at all subtle. He could tell I was pissed.

"Because Light is using my Death Note, meaning that I automatically have the right to end his life when I see fit." He finishes, snickering.

'But why? Wait a minute... his Death Note? Then is he the reason this all happened? None of this would've happened if he hadn't- wait... not true. That was all of Light's doing and the results could've been drastically different is any other person had picked up that note book.'

I look up at him, seeing him still staring intently at me.

"... very well then. I understand." I say smoothly.

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