Chapter XII: Are you... jealous?

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                The next morning I awoke to the sun shining through my blinds, blinding me. I groan before rolling out of bed. 

                "Ugg, five more minutes, please..." I grumble before pulling myself off of the floor, making my way to my bathroom. 

                I decided to take a cold shower before dressing in a white button up shirt with a pair of black jeans with two zippers on each of my hips, and a pain of of grey booties along with brown, fingerless gloves. I tie my (h/l), (h/c) hair into a ponytail, leaving a little bit hanging down on each side to frame my face.

                 I then walk out of my bedroom before hearing a groan from the bedroom across from me. 

            'Right. I forgot Stitches was here.' I sigh before realizing the new nickname I just came up with.

           "Haha! Yup, I'm keeping' it." I mutter softly before turning down the hall, making my way to the kitchen. 

          "Hmm, now, what to make?" I think, biting my lip before getting a simple but tasty idea. 

         "I know! What about french toast and fruit salad?" I look through my fridge before pulling out a box of blueberries, strawberries, and pineapple. 

        'I hope he likes strawberries.'

             I begin to make breakfast and before I know it, everything was finished. I grab two plates from the cabinet and place a stack of french toast and a bowl of fresh fruit on the table before hearing a yawn form the doorway of the hall. 

             "Morning, Juuzou." I say, retrieving two cups from the cabinet. 

             "Good morning, (y/n)- wow, did you make all of this?" he asks, running over to the table like a child in a toy store.

            "Haha, yup so eat up. What do you want to drink?" 

           "Hm, orange juice, please." I nod and pour two glasses of juice while he takes no time in filling up his plate and mouth with fruit and fresh toast.

            "Wow, this is really good! Thank you, (y/n)!" or something along those lines. It's hard to tell with his mouth being full. 

              I smile, giggle slightly, as I watch him continue to eat.

             'Okay, did I make enough? With how much he's eating, he's either starving himself, or just one of the most hungry morning eaters I've ever seen.'  I think, taking a sip of orange juice. 

             I take my own bite of food. 'Wow, he's right, this is good.'

             Before I know it, we were both finished and I began to clean up what was left of breakfast.

            "Here, let me get that, (y/n)- chan." Juuzou says, taking a plate from my hand and gently pushing me from the sink.

            "Hold on, I can-"

            "Nope, I got it. Besides, you made breakfast so it's the least I can do." he says, giving me an innocent smile. 

                I sigh before thanking him, and continue to get ready for work until I hear my phone buzzer go off. I pick it up, looking at the ID. 

               "L?" I wonder. 

                 I then look over my shoulder to make sure that Stitches was still occupied with the dishes. I open up the new message to see what L sent me.

Juuzou x Reader (Tokyo Ghoul/Death Note Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now