I dont know anymore

4 0 0

What do I do now.
Your happy and I'm gone
Losing my self

I think about u
When I am told I shouldn't

That I need to look for better people
But how do I find better
If ur that best

I don't cry
I don't do much anymore
No friends

So I sit

Bug the hell out of people
Hoping u will be out of the picture
But no

So many r u okays
And wanna talk about its
I just want to be okay

I want to get u off my mind
I want to move on
To feel nothing

Almost like u do
But I can't
Cause deep in the bottom of my heart

There u r
So small
But so many big feelings

But do i try and tell u
How I still love u
And how I'm sorry

Did I do wrong
Not in there eyes
But will the tears

And the ur rights
I never feel like it's not
My fault

That u left
Ur gone
And no matter what

Idk how to get u back
Do I beg
Do I call

When u won't text back
Do I annoy
To feel loved

They say no
But all my heart wants is u
So I ask over









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