My last chapter

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I stayed strong in this fight

And fought till this battle

But sorry every member

The audience that had witnessed this horror

The times I cried I lost count

Now that I see who I am I can't

Live in account

I broke and hurt people

Added the lines to show

So here I sit

And now it's almost my time to go

They all tried said one fight at a time

But all this did was make it harder

For me to finally say

This is the end I'm sorry to say

Or maybe I'm relived its the last day

I've broken my weapons

And cut with the swords

And now instead of the end

Of seeing who can win

Between the one I love

And me

I'm not gonna win

But not will I stay to fight another

Or say I love you once again

Cause now after this pain

From the cuts you gave me

You battled and brought more players

And became happy when you could see

How badly I was breaking

I understand I'm terrible

In every fight you stayed

Till now you fight along another

So now I once again am alone

So when I go back home

I will take my sword

And instead of coming
For our final battle

I will cry my tears

And break the skin

And maybe add some names

But sadly no one will notice

Till when I'm supposed to show up

Till no one hears me speak from my room

So I'll sit in the tub and watch my pain

In a red streaming line head from the drain

They all say I'm better than this

That I am sad to give up

That my life is worth fighting for

But no

I can see the pain I cause

See the walls I just punched

I'm filled with anger

Then sad

I'm sorry to those that tried

But no one needs me anymore

And today I will take one last breath

Then finally close my eyes

But to those people who might not want a letter

When I end this fight

Here I will say this final good bye

To the mothers that love me.  Remember your kids and help them in battles they face.  Think how I still love you just sometimes you might not understand.

To the dads that came but then left.
I hope I was good enough to help in your fights. Yes I took the pain but maybe that wasn't enough.  So I hope you find another daughter to help in your cries.

To my sisters and brothers.  Most I never even knew.  But I have a special place in my heart for you.

To my best friends.  I hope this doesn't make u stop and loose your fight.  Remember I tried.

To my friends who we barley talk.  Keep your head up you won't remember me for long.

To my lost lover.  Doesn't matter how hard I try.  So stay happy in this light.  And forget about the pain I may have caused.  Sorry for the poems that went to you.  Sorry for the love I gave to you.  And sorry for the fights I caused again and again.  Sorry for the mean things I say to my friends.  Sorry I made u give hope so I wouldn't be here.  And sorry you had to see me like this.  So please live your life and forget about me.  For now this battle is over and well... You win.

And lastly to the one who helped.
That one who stayed around for just so long to try and help.  Carried me out of the fight before I could find a fate like this.  I'm sorry that when you tried it didn't last quite as long..

So to all those people.  Live,  breathe,  and smile.  And forget about that one that lost her final battle.

So to all I mention even the ones who don't understand... I love you... But good bye..

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