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Emotion that shows

The bright smiles of those

Who seem to have everything

But does no one see everyone else

The ones hidden

The ones trapped

The ones in a mask

That happy place

Just went away

Cause after all this time

I'm still here


Why don't I leave?

Why stay in a place I don't want to be

What reason do I have to live?

It's sad to say I stay for those who...

Well they said daily

The need for me was great

Maybe that's the case

But hey what happened

I need u

And wait don't leave now

They left me

But don't worry when u need me

Which is never..

I'll still be here waiting

Cause I'm a idiot

But this idiot

Is one day

Maybe just maybe

Give up

The next thing ya know

Everyone runs and says stop

Stop being depressed

Stop needing those who hurt u

Are u stupid

Are u really not gonna eat

You know ur not sleeping

Why lay down


Maybe you just want

Well u don't know what u want

Maybe u can't have what u want

Cause to have that

U would have to go back

Or stop in time

Cause you don't see a future

U can't see much far ahead

Maybe u just want a car to miss the road

With u in the back seat

But hey that's not allowed

Stop taking like that

Ur so strong

Lies they say shouldn't hurt


Well that's not the case sweetheart

Cause my dear

U try everything

But they don't seem to get u

How ur life just seems

To go so fast

At the good times

And the bad ones

Stay for so long

And those nights u cry

Those dreams u have

The nightmares

Where ur just alone

Maybe it's just the reality's way

Of hitting u in sleep

No escape now...

U don't wanna loose them

But everytime u ask

Just ask them to stay and talk to u

It's a bad time

Everyone is so busy

After u finish homework

And that book online

And that show

And go through ur song list

What 100 times

To the point u can sing all those songs

U try and try

But nah u can't be busy

Cause ur a secret

If they talk to u

It's not in public

Cause that's bad

Who are u kidding

Why still be here

Without ur happy

Cause maybe all this time

Ur trying to fill this gap

Cause of the neglect

And hate

No one seems to get

Why u do this

Why u just want someone to love you

Cause everytime someone u love

Leaves that hole gets bigger

And well it's tearing u apart

Cause u don't have that one emotion

Not unless they show u they care

But almost never do u feel


(Thank you for 100+ reads it means a lot to me love u guys!! )

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