"I love you"

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I love you

Has to be the strongest words

Cause not only can it heal you

But it can break you

But that's not possible

How could those words kill

Such an innocent lover

In the times I've drowned

From staying so close to the ground

And my head can't keep up

And my thought get worse

And my love goes away

I still had that feeling

Stuck in my heart like a bomb

Ready to go off at any second

I wanna cry

Cause I know how I feel

How my heart fell down this well

How I know I'm not gonna get up so..


No not this time

Cause now I'm crying

Cause I can't trust anyone

Cause my heart I stuck with someone..

I shouldn't love

Or maybe

I should

Cause when I'm here

And I tell myself



"They cant help you anymore your break in yourself"

I cry

And stay and worry

While I break

Cause in these sleepless nights

You cross my mind

In dreams and thought

Those seem so alike

Cause my dreams stopped having meaning

Or stopped being dreams


Why am I crying

Over this


When people leave you for dead

What reason should you

Stay yet again

"Cause you love them"

That what they all said

And again

I knew I shouldn't

But I did

So if I am to drown again

Would you hold my hand

And save me from the waves

Like that one time you did

When everything you said

Made me feel like this was the start

Of something perfect

For us

Till I got lost

In the sea

That was your eyes

Blue like the waves

Crashing down on me

I'm stuck on an island

Of false promises


And the reason

No matter how many boats come

I choose to stay

Cause of three words

I just might always say

"I love you"



And of course


Poems.... Of Those Words Never SaidWhere stories live. Discover now