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Have you ever been terrified?

Thought the world was ending?

Hoped that someone was helping you

Hopefully someone was gonna stay
just a little longer this time

God I've been through the people leaving

I've had them leave

Ya know when that person you need most sits and looks you in the eyes and says I will never leave but they do

They always do

And all I can do is cry

When I tried to be strong

I feel like the world is my fault

That since I can't fix one thing

I'm doomed to ruin everything

What I wanna do

Is run in her arms and hide

To hear a voice sweet

And calm

Just hold me and say its all right

All I can do though

Is dream

Cause that voice in my head

He screams

It's so loud

I cry

I make marks on the bored

And i can't explain why

Why hurt so much

But lie to make others better?

Cause in my time of sad

Or when my mother just got bad

She would yell in my face

Like this voice does everyday

She yells I'm terrible

And that I'm not like her

So I look in a mirror

And can't stand if I see her

Cause she's always there

One step away




I can't push her away

This family of mine

Makes me cry

And hate the people I want for life

Cause everything is my fault

And I hurt them all the time

Cause it's all I can do right

I can put pain in there eyes

And watch them cry

Hear that stutter

But it's never worth a smile

Cause what I love most

Is the way one person has a twinkle

Deep in their eyes

And their smile

Is addictive

And makes this shitty world

Seem worth while

But what do I do

Fuck up


Come on you child

Why hurt that person you love most

Cause I can't see how I make them happy for even a little while

With me everyone felt sad

I can't count the people I've helped

Cause I couldn't help myself

And I can't tell you all their names

Cause they all went away

Cause everyone leaves

Even the one I need most

So one day

If she doesn't go after

Another girl

Like I hope

I could be held

And finally hear

From her soft lips

"Don't you worry love,  it's all right"

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