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My head has made my body hate me

With the days I didn't eat

How I haven't slept a night in weeks

How no matter what I do now?

I loosing weight

It's no healthy

I know

But what am I supposed to do

Now that my body doesn't know

I feel better today

That maybe I stopped caring about that

We all have one problem that consumes us

And maybe mine is people

I just wanna fix the world

But I can't

What girl who can barely sleep at night

Do for this world

How can I help  People

But never help myself

Cause I'm sick

I know I am

So I'll scream it to strangers

And never tell

The ones I love most

Cause maybe one day I'm supposed to go

And not come back

So all I ask

Is if you love someone

Don't let it rest

Cause one day they could be


And all you have

Is the regret

Of not saying

Good bye

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