Help me...

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I'm broken

So broken I can't walk

My talking is about to stop

I've cried for help so long

But you couldn't hear the words I choose

Help me

I'm screaming

Almost at my last breath

My hearts on the floor

It's a crime scene in here

My heads the cop

My lungs are the witness

The cop will look into this breaking

How it came to be

And you are the murder

Who finally broke me

They told me to let go

They told me to move on

Said honey this won't change in time

But I didn't listen

So now I'm broken

Limping to school and back

Wearing my heart in my hair

My sleeves

It's all over me

Cause the hole in my chest

Holds the pain you left

Help me

I'm dying

But why can't you see it

My body is falling away

I get scars from cuts

All over my body

Some just appear


But now I'm broken

And crying

Seeing my self breaking

Is worse than love

Cause love can fix you

Hear you

Shape you

But when love leaves

It burns your skin

And tears the walls

And shatters your heart

And this time it might be for good

Help me

I'm hurting

My head is killing

My body is a new murder scene

Soo maybe I won't be able to walk

I think as I limp down the Hall

Why can't anyone hear

I'm screaming for my life here

They all walk away

Like birds going South

Take me with you

I say

Help me

Like you helped your self

Let's be close again

Maybe that's right

I never saw what I did now

I'll say how bad you are now

Knowing you haven't changed


I'm the same fucking way

So I'm dying

Please help me

I stopped talking

I started yelling

But now my voice is fading

My body is shaking

With a river falling from my eyes

Please read

This help me


It's all I have left

So uncover it with care

Cause you might be a little two late

Cause I might just not be here

Cause again I will say

I'm sorry that one day

I might die before you

Cause I can't breathe around you

The things we had I wanted to last

And you can't fix it no more

Cause with these new people

Your fixing

And here I am

Trying to scream

Please need me

Just one more time

Just please


One more time I can scream

So I'll make it my best

PLEASE HELP ME.... I love you...

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