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It's a mystery to me

The real meaning

Of a word so short

Yet sweet

Cause this word

Has fixed

And broken me

Given me freedom

And trapped me

Allowed me to feel

And numbed my soul

It has it's ways

When it's spoken to your heart

To find a different meaning

In the start

I have dealt with this word

More times than I like

I've seen it hurt me in the scars

That last

I've seen it heal

In the tears that stop falling

But seen it kill

When I have pills for the long run

It's a killer

And a saver

So choose wisely

Cause once you love another

It's almost never changed tho

It's a curse

In the flesh

A gift in the heart

It's a confusing confirmation

When you can't feel for anyone else at the start

So choose wisely who you leave

And who you bring in to stay

You might think you want someone

But that's not the case

Cause your heart will show you

People the same

As the one you love

But only for a day

These people will hurt

And bruise you

Cause it's not meant to be

I have seen it

It ends badly

The world will keep you

Thinking of them

Cause that's what your heart needs

In the end

So with care

Trust your love

Cause the one thing

That ends badly

Is death

Cause it's sung

By the lost and forgotten

And darling it hurts

To think that your other half

Is gone

Doesn't forever hurt?

So listen with care

And run to your love

They may think they move on

But it's not real love

It's forced

And ugly


And weird

So save them I say

Before they don't make another year

Cause they have tried

To end

The life they choose

And they tried to tell you

But it never was true

It was an cry

A scream for help

A wish

Made real but soon ended

So fix what you broke

Make I'm sorry real

And I love you true

And never leave

No matter who

Breaks the trust

Or tells the lies

It's a messed up system love

But I'm sure

It never dies

Poems.... Of Those Words Never SaidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora