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I'm not a princess

Or a queen

Not beautiful

Or your morning day dream

But I'll fall asleep hugging you tight

Praying for forever with what I call mine

But then to say

That every fairy tail

Has a happy ending

Would be one of the biggest lies

For the villains end the day with a cry

But they do not beg

Do not plea

Only make what they want to happen

But evilly

But I'm not villain nor princess

In this tail

I'm that one character you know all far to well

The one that toys the good and the bad

Yet never gets what they desire

So for he to the rest of my days

I'll sit and cower

Cause I'm scared

Of loosing

And of winning

Cause loss is a hard thing we all must face

I live in fear of getting what I want

Cause loosing what you think you need

Could kill someone

Cause hell

It tries to kill me

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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