The Bodyguard 02 - Flying Eggs and Threats

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They keep coming from all sides even before we can go back inside the car. It's also too late to open the umbrella.

With experienced reflex, Mr. Ray immediately open his suit coat and engulf me inside it. I hug him, holding tight while I hide inside the suit coat as the eggs hit him instead. He traps me between himself and the car as the assault continues. I feel helpless. I want to make them stop, but Mr. Ray is holding me tight.

It lasts for another three minutes until the local police sound their sirens and the culprits flee away like hyenas.

The stench of raw egg is potent in the air. Mr. Ray release me from the confines of his trusty suit coat and grins at me. I can only look at him in horror. This is the first time we let an attack to almost succeed in smothering me with love. The car is also a mess.

The attackers are also more persistent and aggressive these days. Their pranks have evolved greatly as the bodyguards we hire also becomes more clever.

As of now, we can only be more careful.

This protection detail is a cooperative effort between me and my bodyguard. Public appearances trigger attacks. If going to public places can't be avoided, the bodyguard takes over my security. In order to make their job easier, I minimize going to public places and rather do things at home...or my best friends' houses.

Since Mr. Ray is in a bad shape, I decide to just cancel going to Park's. We drive back home in our very eye-catching ride—Le Slimy car. We arrive and the other staffs shriek in both horror amd laughter.

"Go now, Mr. Ray. You should take a bath first. The smell might cling to you of it dries on you." I say, picking out some shell pieces from his hair as he is leaning down to me. He smiles at me and ruffles my hair. We laugh as the stickiness of the egg is matting his hair.

"Okay. Go inside na~" he says. I nod at him with an apologetic smile.

"Oh come on. Don't make that face. It's a slip up." too late. I am now pouting.

"Hey~ We didn't know they will be there. It's only by chance that we happen to stop on a place where they are." he says with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ray. You have to deal with the shits I carry with me." I remember how shaken I was at that time. I can only cling to him from the suddenness of the attack.

"Oh believe me, that's nothing more than I can handle. Are you okay, though?" I nod at him.

"Then, I'm okay also. Now, go inside but don't go crying like a baby." he begin splashing water on the car. I pout at him before running inside the house.

My plan is ruined. I feel bad that I don't get to see my friends today.

I flop down the bed in frustration. I fish my phone out from my pocket. Ming is asking where I am.

I type in a reply:

To: Ai'Ming


I wait for him to accept. When it connects, the faces of Ming is zoomed in to his nose.

"Ai'Ming! I can see a booger!!!!" I scream, covering my eyes.

"Overacting sissy." he snickers.

He is walking around going somewhere. Then, the screen shakes before settling steadily. Ming shouts.

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