Bonus Rubbish

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There are some things that never really go away, no matter what time and age we are.

"Famous young artist, Bas of SBFive, has been involved in yet another defaming scandal that easily circulated throughout the internet. Local fans have been expressing their..."

I remember the days when I used to go through the hardships like that. At least he has a lot of fans expressing their support for him.

We need to meet. He needs to hear from me! Heheh!

My phone vibrates with a loud ping. A notification of an new e-mail message sent to me, appears. I usually ignore those notifications, but this time, I am so compelled to read this particular message.

To my surprise, the message is from the very person I just watched being defamed by bad people.

His message goes:

Dear Mr. Wayo Panitchayasawad-Kongthanin,

I would like to invite you for a nice cup of pink milk this day. Can we meet at your cafe branch near the university by 8:30 this morning? If you are not busy, that is. Thank you.


I smile fondly. Of course, I accept.

The clock just strikes 8 o'clock in the morning. I have thirty minutes left to prepare.

I stand and begin looking for my handsome husband.

"Pha~" I call for his name.

"Good morning, Mr. Wayo. Mr. Phana is at the greenhouse with your dad." one of the maids says, smiling.

"Oh, thank you."

Walking to and inside the greenhouse at the back garden of the mansion, I see them talking and laughing about something.

"Good morning dad! Good morning, Pha. I'll be going out for a while." I tell them. Pha keeps looking at me, implying for me to say the reason.

"I'm meeting with a cute guy today. So yeah. I just want you to know," I say smugly, seeing his eyebrow raise in suspicion. He stands and engulf me in his embrace.

"Are you cheating on me?" he asks, kissing my nose.

"Yes. Now, let go and stop interfering with my unfaithful ways." I reply, locking my lips with his.

"As much as I like to fandad on things like this, I don't appreciate it in front of my beloved coffee." dad says that, but his actions says otherwise. His phone is out and is loudly snapping pictures.

"You could have, at least, muted the shutter sound, dad." I roll my eyes at him.

"Okay, I'm meeting a junior right now for pink milk at the University branch. He seems to be troubled, though he doesn't say so in his message." I pout at Pha, in worry for Bas.

"Okay, okay. Comfort him na. Tell him, I say hi." he lightly pushes me away after another sweet kiss.

I drive to the university in casual clothes. I park in front of the cafe, seeing the guy I'm meeting, sneaking inside the cafe in casual clothes and a face mask to boot.

I shake my head with a chuckle. I remember how I once dressed like that in the mall.

I enter the cafe, the chimes announcing my presence. Kyungsoo and Suga beams at me from the counter. They wai at me, making me smile. I return the wai and greet them.

"How're things going, guys?"

"Everything's going great, Sir." Suga replies with an accented speech. I nod in approval.

"Good. Good. Keep going, and mah I ask for two servings of pink milk and this whole oreo cheesecake here. Me and my visitor will be filling ourselves with them." I tell them. They nod, smiling happily. They appreciate it when people conshme their creations.

The hidden corner of the cafe is where I find the cute baby who invited me for pink milk.

"So, how's my favorite junior? I see you getting more vulgar scandals than me from when I am your age." I taunt him playfully.

"You're not that old, P'Yo. Anyway, I'm really not focusing on them. All I want is for P'Godt to see me as I am. Will you help me clean the slate?" he pouts.

Being me, I am immune to those antics. I see them every moment when I look in the mirror.

"You, my friend, will need to put that pout into good use." I give him an evil grin. He trembles because of fear, until he realizes that he is going to go through the things my friends put me through.

"P'Yo! You're so mean! Waaaaaaaaaaah!" he screams, while I cackle.

The End of Rubbish

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