The Bodyguard 18.4 - Hot Night Last Part

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A/N: Hazard! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

Three Nights Later

Cleaning and dressing Forth's wounds is less of a struggle the nights following his reappearance. Forth is a military guy, these wounds should be bearable for him.

Beam is just thankful that he is here. And his heart still soars whenever Forth's words replay in his head.

"You are the first person I thought of, thinking that I may die anytime. I actually can't remember how I got here. Instinct, maybe? Or maybe because you are the last person I want to see before I die, but I guess always bringing your spare key with me paid off." Forth had said.

They're in love with each other.

Beam glances at Forth fondly. Is it safe to say that they're now lovers?

Anyway, Beam is trying to read his module and anchor his sanity at the same time.

Sitting with his back against the head board, Forth has gone from livid to a very talkative fellow. He keeps calling for Beam's attention just because he can now talk without grimacing in pain.

"P'Forth, I swear I'm going to stab your healing wounds if you don't stop talking even for five minutes!" Beam exclaims, glaring at the book he's reading.

Forth raises his brow and begin counting down with his fingers the five minutes time Beam has given him.

The annoying murmuring of Forth irks Beam even more, and he's reach his limit.

"You asked for it!" Beam jumps and pins Forth on the head board of the bed, carefully avoiding giving too much pressure on his shoulder wound.

Forth catches him with an "Ooofff!" and beams at Beam. The younger's eyes soften at his smile.

"P'Forth..." Beam whisphers leaning down to kiss the older on the lips.

It starts off sweet. Lips pressing together before gradually deepening. Beam cups Forth's face, leading the kiss.

His thumb brushes Forth's cheek with so much tenderness. With Forth's stronger limb, he pulls Beam to him.

Straddling the older, Beam opens his mouth to welcome the demanding tongue of his lover inside his mouth. So much passion and affection.

What started as sweet slowly escalates with lust lacing every movement of muscle. Though in the midst of the building heat and passion, the care and tenderness still remains. At least on Beam's part.

Forth is still a wounded patient. Though he is recuperating, the rate of his healing is not catching up with how his mouth is regaining the energy to move and talk so much.

He can feel the erection of the older under him, but he's also aware of the situation.

How are we going to do this!

Forth must have sense the hesitation. For him, they both have the right to give pleasure to each other. In his determination he says, "Do me, Beam."

The younger looks incredulously at him. Thinking that Forth is going crazy, he raises a brow. In this, Forth sighs. The younger man isn't getting the message at all.

"I'm telling you to fuck me, Beam." he says like it's the most normal thing to say.

Beam, with his mind already set to be a bottom for Forth, looks at the older stupidly. His brain cells are not following.


"I know your reputation from before we met, Beam. So I trust that you know what to do." Forth states, caressing Beams doubting face.

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