The Bodyguard 12 - Kit and Beam

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"P'Pha!!!!!" two voices shout at the distance.

We turn to their direction and see two guys running towards us. With the pace they are going, I feel like they have no plan of slowing down. Their excitement in seeing my bodyguard is plastered on their handsome faces.

They jump up and P'Pha catches them as they cling to him like Koalas. I am looking at them in amusement. Even more so as they both bite P'Pha on both arms.

They are so noisy, creating a ruckus. Such a small group, but so lively.

Surprisingly, I don't feel the need to be jealous or possessive with their interaction. But, they're really funny. I giggle at their antics.

When they finally notice that P'Pha is not alone, they turn to me. One of the two newcomers begin squealing and strangling his other friend.

"Wayo Panitchayasawad? Oh my gods!" he exclaims in excitement, his deep dimples showing. Aww. So cute! He takes my hands to his, shaking them like a kid.

I nod, slightly worried with the recognition. He must have noticed my discomfort.

"Don't worry. In this faculty, no one bothers with your business unless it's a matter of life-and-death." P'Dimples says.

"That's right, Nong. You're safe here." The other guy assures, clapping my shoulder.

I look at P'Pha. He is smiling broadly at us. Slinging an arm around my shoulder, he introduces us.

"Kit. Beam. Meet my Oung-Oung." he uses my online username, which is weird because P'Kit and P'Beam are gaping at us like fishes out of the water.

Wait. Kit? Why does that name sound awfully familiar?

"What!?" they exclaim together. Illegally handsome guy just waves them off, the two sophomores sharing a knowing look.

What did I miss?

"So that Oung-Oung is Wayo all along?" P'Kit asks P'Pha, to which he nods to.

"No!" he exclaims in over-the-top anger. "Now, I have to protect Wayo from two corrupt beings!" he hugs me, shielding me away from P'Pha while rubbing his face to my cheek.

Now, I remember this P'Kit. So this is Ming's number one fan! This is gold. I am excited to have them meet. Inside my head, I am clapping like a retarded sea lion.

P'Pha stomps to us and tries to pry P'Kit away from me. He earns a few bite marks from the over-protective P'Kitten-with-dimples.

We walk to their faculty canteen and buy food and drinks. I buy another cup of pink milk while they buy the food. I feel shy, they spend too much on them and I like to believe it's too much for us all.

I'm not complaining, though. Yey!

A ping from my phone notifies me that a message is received. To my astonishment, my own set of friends are asking me to follow them to school.

My despicable conscience pops out again.

Demon Yo says, "P'Kit is here! Tell them to go to school! Oh wait, they are already going here. Sorry." I roll my eyes at him.

Angel Yo giggles at him. "No, Yo. Don't sell out your friend. You do know that Ming will hear it if they meet. Tell them to go meet you here in the med faculty specifically!" I mentally face palm at this one. I'm really doubtful if the costume of an angel is given to him, or he stole it from the real Angel Yo.

I type in a reply saying I will wait for them here because I am already here. I put my phone back to my pocket and begin eating with them.


Some of my questions are answered as P'Kit and P'Beam spill everything out about P'Pha when he's studying here last year.

I don't say anything, but I laugh and giggle with their stories. At the back of their stories, I know that they are leaving some details out.

Why did P'Pha stop going to school?

Do they know that he's not just going back to school with me because we just simply know each other?

There are several more questions that I can ask, but I am not going to ruin the rapport they are trying to build here. By far, they're not raising my suspicions to an alarming height.

And as far as I can see, the details they hold back all lead to the identity of P'Pha. The real shady person here is him, not them.

In my giggling fits, I am giving glances—and a few stink eyes—to this sex god from time to time. He catches my eyes sometimes, and he's smart if he knows what I mean with them. He just subtly touches my hands when he catches me doing them.

My gosh! He's a shady character, but he makes my heart flutter still. What do I do? My inner Oung-Oung has been gushing out consistently since this morning.

The talk can wait. I wanna see how far he had gone, he has been going, and will go with his facade. Well, he did mention about talking later. So, yeah. Later.

I have told my friends that I am in the faculty of medicine. Why have I been listening to that Demonic Angel Yo?

Somehow, my suspicion will be confirmed regarding Ming and P'Kit when they finally meet. I mentally smirk. Good luck, Ai'Ming!


"Ai'Park, stop ogling Suthee na. We need to go to Yo!" Ming breaks my little daydreaming about Suthee and me.

"Yo won't go away! Why are you even being pushy?" At the back of my mind, I feel like Yo is planning on something. He could have told us to meet him on the school gate, but he specifically mentioned the Med Faculty.

Of course, Suthee and I felt the hidden message. However, the radar of Ai'Mong has always been questionable. With the way, he's pushing us to move faster, he's helplessly clueless with the subtle innuendo of Yo's plan.

"Whatever. I will post your pictures staring at each other like love sick rabbits." We gasp at his threat.

"You wouldn't!" Suthee warns.

"Try me..." Ai'Ming smirks.

"If I am not driving, I will have pummeled you already." I throw him a potato chip, which he catches with his mouth.

"Bravo! Done like a trained dog. Now roll over!" Suthee claps his hands in sarcastic remarks.

"Yeah, right. Say whatever you want. I'm just going to keep wondering when you two are going to declare that you're lovers." to that, Suthee and I blush hard. I feel the heat creeping to my whole head. I must look like a tomato by now.

I glance at Suthee and he's in the same state. But, the look we share is only saying one thing.


We trust Yo's plan. Good luck, Ai'Ming!


Short second update today, y'all. How is it? Tell me what you think. Na?

Are you excited? Me, I am excited! 😍

Thank you so much for reading!
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