The Bodyguard 28 - Really...They're Back

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A/N: This is the product of sleeplessness due to headache caused by too much caffeine. Please be warned of the crappiness and craziness. 😂


P'Pha is on my tail since afternoon. And I am with my classmates right now, doing a simple chemistry experiment. No chemicals, though. It is only an observation experiment. Without intending to introduce him and my friends this early, I have no choice but to do so. The Fairy Angels keep harassing me to introduce them to MY boyfriend.

Subtle as it is, I can still notice him looking around and being on-guard. It looks like he's on edge about something or someone appearing.

"P'Pha~ Don't you have class?" I ask looking up at him, poking his arm.

"I have. I'm just not going to." He says cockiky, but his statement makes me gasp. As if a dark force possesses me, I roll the manila paper we are using for the activity and begin pummeling him.

"You. Should. Set. A. Good. Example. You. P'Pha. You!" I say every word after ever slap of the rolled manila on his arm, his back, anywhere it hits.

Our antics become the joke of the class. Even the professor laughs with everyone. I mentally face palm. Wow. Nice. 😒

The handsome sex god, who is also a dork, engulfs me in a big hug to stop my assault, lifting me up from the floor in the process. Quickly, he steals a kiss on my cheek and producing the loudest squeal fest from my class.

Me? I am sure that a bottle of the reddest tomato ketchup can't rival to how red my face must be right now.

He still doesn't let me go, and I am already hyperventilating from the embarrassment and the shyness. He is so handsome, it should be illegal.

Flashes of a lot of cameras almost blind me, all of a sudden. Next thing we know, five girls from outside the chemistry room flood into the room and snap pictures after pictures of P'Pha and me in this position.

They are squealing too, along with my classmates, and everyone is now doing both at the same time. My poor ears.

P'Pha, who looks startled at first, grins evilly at me before leaning down to catch my lips in a lip-lock.

The professor, Ms. Layla, also squeals with everyone.

Above all the ruckus, I do not miss the moment that Angel Yo and Demon Yo pops out beside my head.

"Kiss him back!" Demon Yo screams.

"Use tongue! Kyaaaaah!" the Angel screams.

Both of them have a white band tied on their heads. On their hands, big flags that wave frantically as they swoosh it from left to right. Add the crowd's squeal to their squealing. Surely, I am going to get a headache after everything.

Shutting everything else out of my system, I close my eyes, tilt my head, open my mouth and dart my tongue to meet P'Pha's tongue in a languid, yet passionate kiss.


The words are written in red paint, diluted to resemble the color of blood. I say, give it A for the effort.

"Well, at least this one is more realistic than before..." Ming deadpans as all of us stare at the note, stupidly. The eight of us are gathering in the canteen of my faculty after class hours. News about this threat-note is made known to the others, that's why we are forced to be here when I told them it's okay.

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