The Bodyguard 08.5 - Wayo's Angels (Special Chapter)

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P/M/S: Hello, everyone! We are here to bring you

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P/M/S: Hello, everyone! We are here to bring you...

P: ...the freshest...

M: ...the hottest...

S: ...and the latest news regarding our...

P/M/S: ...Oung! Oung! Oung~ (doing bbuing bbuing gestures)

M: As a all have witnessed in the previous chapters that our Baby Wayo has always been one to be protected...not that he wants to.

P: Yes, that's right! He is always worrying for the people who are supposed to protect him. Isn't he so adorable?~

M: He is. This cutie patotie doesn't realize that this personality of his is what makes people want to protect him.

S: And just for the span of two weeks, he had the most traumatizing experiences by far.

P: (gasps) Yes! I would have peed myself in the middle of that car chase. That's very scary.

M: (rolls on the floor) Hahaha~ Peed yourself! That's so you.

P: (ignores Ming) But our baby Wayo bravely pulled himself together and survived without wailing too much. Aren't you proud of him?

S: (nods) So proud of him. And then, we tried to go malling without any bodyguard. You must know how amazing he is that time. We didn't think of doing that before, but Yo did. So clever. (claps hands like a proud momma)

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