The Bodyguard 03 - P'Pha

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I wake up just as we're about to get inside the gate. My emotions are on hyper mode again as we come to a stop in front of the main door.

"Dad!" I run, immediately throwing myself to him. I am crying again. He assures me and rubs my back saying that everything's going to be okay.

And I trust him.

Mr. Ray and dad exchange looks before the bodyguard excuses himself for a bit.

I cry a bit more as dad guides me inside the house. I can't help but get extra clingy to him when I feel distressed. He is used to this action already, and is not bothered by it.

After dinner, we catch up on each other's day, purposely avoiding talking about my incident. We have a good laugh as he tells his story about this one journalist that almost fainted when she interviewed dad this afternoon. It's an exclusive interview, and dad must have looked at her intensely as he responds to her queries. He doesn't know he does that. He says it just happens. I mentally roll my eyes.

Because I still feel a bit uneasy, I spend the night with dad. We cuddle until I fall asleep in his room.


When I awake, dad's already gone to his office. He's probably preparing for the meeting of the Ministers.

I stretch out with a yawn and stand to go do my daily routine in the bathroom.

My facial care routine is the last because it takes longer to do than taking a leak and brushing my teeth.

Feeling all refreshed, I walk out of dad's bedroom and raid the kitchen for breakfast. I just love Saturdays.

Mr. Ray walks in just as I'm about to eat. He's fixing his tie. Because I'm being extra today, I greet him and motion for him to come near me.

"Let me do it for you, P'Ray." I say shyly.

"Awwee. It's been a while since you last called my that. You have a bad habit of teasing me by purposefully calling me like an old butler." I giggle at his statement. Okay, guilty.

"Thanks, kiddo." He says, ruffling my hair. I pout at him.

"Shoo! Eat and stop pouting at me." He shoos with a laugh.

"Okay!" I say cheerfully.

The morning is pretty much alive as I move around the house helping the staffs with cleaning, arranging and maintenance stuffs. What? I have nothing to do.

"Master Yo, what do you want for lunch?" Khun Linda asks me.

"Aw. You're teasing me~" I pout at her. She's our resident cook. She's been working for us since I am a baby, so we keep her close. Khun Linda is like a second mom or grandmom to me.

"Oh, good heavens!" she gasps, "You sure learned how to use that cuteness of yours." she pinch my cheeks lightly and I grin at her until she mentions cute.

"Aw. I'm not cute. This is called handsome! Or not...I look ugly~" I pout again. Gosh, someone stop me from pouting.

Lunch is good. I wouldn't change her cooking for the world. Though, generally, I never refuse food.

After eating and helping with doing the dishes, they chase me away to my room.

"Yo~ go to your room na, and let us do our jobs." one of the staffs says.

"But...but...I have nothing better to do~" I pout again.

"Yes, you do. Look at the pictures of that young man you fantasize about or something. Just don't do our jobs for us." they laugh hard when my face suddenly reddens. It feels so hot all of a sudden!

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