The Bodyguard 20 - Serious Matters

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"P'Pha~" Forth mocks with his weak and deep voice, which makes Pha's resolve for kindness falter. It makes him want to strangle his comrade.

"You dare disappear for two days now, only to be lurking around here!" Pha is seething. He's worried as hell, though he spouted that I-believe-in-my-buddy speech to their chief.

"Correction..." Forth struggles in raising a hand to gesture to his whole body, "...I'm not really in the condition to lurk around anywhere."

His smart reply breaks the angry facade of Pha. He chuckles when Pha kicks the bed frame playfully.

"Okay, smart ass. Rest for now. We'll be preparing food for everyone for the mean time." Pha says, patting Forth's cheek.

It seems like Beam is in a completely better mood, now that Forth is minimally responsive and not dead. He's a mess when the gang arrived a while ago. He was curled up in a fetal position on the couch while silently crying to himself.

Kit had to use the duplicate of Beam's key to open the door, because the fool didn't move to open the door for them.

Seeing Forth in that state wasn't a surprise to Pha, but the sight of him here in Beam's dorm room is the baffling detail. This hopelessly romantic fool only shows himself to my friend thinking he's gonna die, Pha throws an insult in his musings.

Pha leaves Forth to rest and walks to the group.

Wayo and Beam are on the small kitchen, preparing food for everyone. Kit and Ming are cuddling on the sofa beside Park and Suthee, who are busy using everyone's cellphones to play games. Literally, everyone.

Park is using his phone, Kit's, Forth's and Pha's. While Suthee uses his phone, Yo's, Ming's and Beam's. They're playing an online Scrabble game.


I have to tell Pha, and quick.

But, who are these people? All I recognize is Pha, Beam, Kit and the Minister's son, Wayo Panitchayasawad. I don't know the others.

Beam has seated me to lean back on the head board of the bed as he feeds me. I must have looked intensely at the three new faces because one of them smiles.

They begin introducing themselves and it seems that they are Wayo's circle of friends. I weigh the situation. They have to know, especially Pha and Wayo, since they seem to be in a certain level of intimacy now.

I ask Pha to help me explain the truth about our identity. I'm thankful for their attentiveness and lack of panic.

In my weakened state, we tell them slowly and carefully, the depth of our situation.

On the day I crossed paths with the major terrorist group under my mission description, I had just coincidentally bumped into Agent R in Peru. I didn't let the chance pass to obtain the information about the hidden files.

He only gave me trivial clues about the hidden files, under the excuse that confidentiality and secrecy is still a must wherever we are. They're unspecific details that my brain failed to process and comprehend them. I just memorized them for Pha to decode.

I was on my way back to HQ here in Thailand when things got messy. Half way from the airport, I noticed the three suspicious vehicles tailing my car. Instinctively, I began driving faster.

They followed me until their advances started getting more aggressive. They had fired shots with sniper guns using silencers to avoid raising unwanted attention.

I managed to alert HQ and inform the urgency of the matter. I tell them my target rally point and got the approval for back up from Chief Kongpob.

My windshield had long been shattered. I sped off, expanding our distance. Heck! Thank heavens for the impressive top speed of this sports car.

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