The Bodyguard - Life (Epilogue)

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"Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Nope! Google Map is..."

"Seriously?! Go to Waze, it's more accurate!"

"Yo, I am not going to get ordered around by your cute sorry ass. Nope. You do it."

"Ai'Ming, I am driving. You do it."

With an exaggeratedly heavy sigh, Ming complies and opens the app in his phone. They are on the road to hunt a very stupid guy who went hiding after catching his boyfriend in the act of sneaking a peanut butter sandwich into their house.

Beam hates peanuts. Forth loves them. Alright! Nice couple.

Forth is using all his connections with the government for that sole personal reason. Still, Beam remains out of radar.

With the help of technology, money and tons of determination, they are able to obtain intel about the last time a living soul got a glimpse of the elusive Beam Wongphipat.

Forth was a little disappointed with Beam's parents because they brushed the issue off, saying 'He's okay, we're sure...' and it irks Forth to the core.

He respectfully thanked them, before going orge-ish crazy in looking for him.

As Yo and Ming drives to their destination, a phone call arrives. Ming answers immediately, seeing his cute husband's name on the screen. He swipes the answer button, putting him on speaker.

"Hi, hun. What's the latest?" he chirps happily.

"Hi, P'Kit~" Wayo greets just as happily. Finally! Someone other than Ming to talk to, he thinks to himself.

[Yo? When did you and Pha return? Well, hello there. Ahmm, so yeah. The place where you're heading's the private rest house of Beam's family.]

"WHAT!?" Yo and Ming shouts at the same time.

[OUCH! DON'T  SHOUT!] Kit shouts back.

"WE'RE NOT!" they shout in reply.

[Whatever. Well, I knew there's a reason why his parents aren't even worried. They knew.] he chuckles.

[Er. Me and the rest are now going there too. Tie that Ai'Beam to a tree as soon as you see him. Seriously, what's got to his head...] Kit mutters the last part, ending the call.

Wayo has been grumbling since the beginning of this tirade caused by Beam and Forth.

"Pha and I will have been in a nice hotel in Brazil, making love for how many rounds now if not for P'Forth and P'Beam." he mutters, purposely making Ming hear his words.

The other guy looks so scandalized by the things he's hearing. "Are you seriously saying those things?! Just a year travelling round the world with your husband, and you are now this vulgar!? Where's our baby?"

Wayo snickers in response.

Ming decides to call the others, Park and Suthee, seeking to have allies in this matter. The two guys answer the video call without much wait.

"Yow! What's up, Ai'Ming?"

"Oy! Ai'Yo?! When did you come back?" Park is always loud, next to Ming that is. Mentally, Wayo facepalms.

"I also missed you two. Geez!"

"Yes, yes. We missed you! Where are you headed with Ming? Wait, you're also dragged into this by P'Forth?" Suthee pouts. Park coos and pecks his cheek. They begin looking like love struck idiots on the screen.

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