The Bodyguard 22 - First Code

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Chief Kongpob asks for Yo's phone. P'Arthit and I automatically moves to set-up the HQ's computer and connect the phone to the unit.

The phone screen blacks out and its display transfers to the HQ computer screen. The blue screen flashes up again before booting the HQ's main system interface. The dialog box for password requirement appears and Chief Kongpob types the administrator's password in.

Bless the heavens!

There are so much files, it's taking time for decryption process to finish decoding everything. No one in this room knows what the contents of these files are.

We try to use Yo's phone again, but the screen and its buttons don't respond at all. So it will only get to function one encryption at a time?

2 hours Later...


It's taking so much time. We thought of setting up another computer unit, but the reminder of being able to use Yo's phone one code at a time stops us from doing so.

The screen is now flashed in a bigger view on an LED screen in the middle of the room.

I look at my baby and smile. Seeing him this excited while his attention is on the screen is a beautiful sight. What a dedicated young soul.

I look around. A normal reaction to situations like this would be worry and uneasiness. But these people are breaking the stereotype as they play with all our phones again.

Seriously, what's with Scrabble?

Even Chief Kong, who is glaring holes at Park and Suthee for making fun of his word plays, seems to be in a lighter mood.

P'Arthit and N'Yo is now deep in a conversation. I tune the others out and listen in on their small talk. I pretend to be thinking, leaning back in my seat. I close my eyes and furrow my brows for added drama.

(So, I'm guessing you've done it with your P'Pha already?) P'Arthit teases, making my baby giggle softly. I'm betting my next month's salary that he's beet red right now.

(Yes, P'Arthit.) he replies shyly. Wait, what? They're gossiping about our sex?

(I see. That guy should be big. Have you taken it from behind?) What the fuck, P'Arthit!? I almost choke on air. Almost. I need to keep pretending to think.

(Yes, phi. This big~) What? My baby~ He's actually having this talk with someone? I mentally cry. I dare not look what he compared my dick to.

(Well, guys like them are bound to be somehow endowed. We're blessed to have them, don't you agree?) This P'Arthit is blatantly corrupting my Yo.

They continue to giggle, and I have to tune them out. Their conversation is starting to stir me up. My cock is straining inside my pants already.


With that loud beep, the screen of the computer pauses from the decryption. A dialog box appears on the screen. We focus our attentions on the big screen


It says on the screen. Thinking that the birthdate being asked is Yo's, we tell him to type his birthdate in.


The dialog box disappears and the screen shows how all the decrypted files, one by one, becomes encrypted again.

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