When a hot guy checks you out

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Zane (ur in high school)
Zane tells him that your taken 'nicely', but because a Senior hit on you, this did not go well! He gets grabbed later when your not around and the Seniors shove him in a locker! You find the Seniors and see them laughing about "the little loser that thinks he's so tuff" being shoved in a locker. You hunt the halls listening for the sound of screaming from a locker when you pass one and Zane comes flying out! You help him up and give him a kiss.
"I love you, ya know?" You say and he blushes.

Garroth tells the guy to buzz off, but when the guy doesn't listen, Garroth puts his arm around you and tries to walk away. The guy finds you again when Garroth left you to go get drinks and slaps your butt! You punch him in the face and Garroth comes back and showers you with kisses. His girl is awesome.

Aaron also tells the guy to back off, but when he doesn't listen, Aaron reveals his ears and tail. Usually, this will scare the guy off, but if it doesn't, Aaron's eyes with turn Ultima and the guy runs away so fast that Aaron's eyes don't have a chance to turn him.

If it's a werewolf, Ein manages to back him off. If it's a human, Ein doesn't really know what to do! You sometimes help with humans, but when one guy calls Ein a wimp that he can't 'protect' his girlfriend, he gets REALLY upset. They break out in a yelling match and Ein wins.  Never mess with a werewolf!

Laurence (At LLP)
Laurence makes his Shadow Knight form show (red eyes) and the guy walks off. You two run off to the beach and the guy drowns Laurence in with a bucket of water! The guy takes your hand and tries to kiss you, but Laurence gets up and kicks his legs from under him. No one messes with his angel.

Guys used to hit on you when you two weren't dating yet and Dante would feel so helpless and upset he could never do anything. He would say 'back off' but that's the only effect it would have. Now that you guys are dating, he just puts his arm around you, gives you a kiss on the head and the guy backs away slowly.

Travis will do that same as Dante, put his arm around you, give you a kiss and the guy will back off. Then, of course, Travis will start to use the cheesy pickup lines the guy tried to use, making you to laugh and he does that for the rest of the night.

Vyald will calmly and nicely tell the guy to stop and that's your dating, but when he doesn't stop, Vylad will give you a kiss and ask if you want to leave. Sometimes to mess with him, you say no and then laugh at his pale face. You then say yes and laugh for the rest of the

Blaze throws the guy out a window/door.

I'm back babes! Sorry again for not updating for 2 Sunday's, but I've been really busy! To be real, I love Blaze's because I think it's VERY accurate.

Thank you for being my Kittens!
See you next week

Love, Kitty💜

P.S. ~ Do you like being called 'Kittens'? I think it's cute.

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