What's Going on

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Hey everyone! Before I start this chapter I wanted to let you guys know I have a reader who recently started a book that also includes the Grey's Anatomy characters and she would really appreciate it if you check it out. It is called Getting On With Life.

Liliana's pov

A couple of weeks have passed by and so much has went on at the hospital. Recently the hospital was put on lockdown after one of Alex's patients disappeared. He was found hiding under the steps eventually, but unfortunately during the lockdown Ben was taking his patient to the O.R. for an emergency c-section. Since he was trapped in the hallway and unable to make it to the O.R. he made the decision to perform an emergency c-section in the hallway which resulted in the patient dying and the baby is currently still in critical condition. Bailey was still struggling to come up with how to discipline him with him not only being her employee, but her husband as well so she made a committee that would decide what steps to take. I was one of the doctors chosen to be a part of the committee, so I had to get ready to go to the board room.

"Jackson we are not having this argument this morning" I sigh as we walk through the hallway.

"I'm just saying that you are not supposed to have a lot of caffeine while you're pregnant" he says.

"And I barely ever drink coffee, but it's perfectly fine to have one cup a day. Arizona said it will not hurt the baby" I say. I made it the last couple of weeks without coffee, but I was really craving it this morning so I caved in and got a cup. I wouldn't drink coffee if it would harm the baby, but I know for sure that one cup won't and I needed it because I was still tired since I worked late last night.

"I know, but can't you drink something healthier, like a smoothie" he suggests

"Jackson" I glare

"Okay, okay. Just don't drink anymore" he says

"Yes sir" I mumble sarcastically before my pager goes off. "I have to go." I sigh before leaving to go to my patients room so I can give my interns their directions for the day.

"This is Omar Singh, post op day one following abdominal and chest surgery to repair injuries sustained during a car accident. Deluca" I say signaling for him to take over to explain the patients condition

"Shortly after surgery Omar went into cardiac arrest. Dr. Garcia placed him on therapeutic hypothermia as a part of a new resuscitation protocol" Deluca says

"He's showing signs of gaining consciousness, but we have to keep a constant watch on him and monitor his vitals. I will not be available today, so you will report all of your results and questions to Dr. Shepherd" I direct them before leaving the room to meet Bailey and Webber in the hallway

"He's regaining consciousness. And he's beginning to breathe on his own so they'll extubate soon" I tell them

"Thank God" Webber sighs

"Uh, Garcia you should get going to the conference room. They're waiting" Bailey says

"Okay" I nod before leaving to go to the conference room where Meredith, Owen, and Maggie were waiting. We got all of our paper work together before waiting for Ben to enter the room.

"When Miranda told me that there was an advisory committee I pictured a bunch of lawyers in suits" Ben smiles walking into the room. "Okay. I'm uh, I'm glad it's you guys."

"Dr. Warren, be apprised that the purpose of this committee is to understand the incident and to make recommendations for disciplinary action should it be called for. A lack of full cooperation with or withholding of information from this committee will result in your immediate dismissal from the residency program" Maggie informs him.

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