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Liliana's POV

"So how did last night go? What are the results?" I asked Amelia as I walked over to the front desk where she stood.

"Not pregnant." She sighed

"Aww, I'm sorry." I sighed sympathetically.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine."


"Really. I'm great." She smiled.

"Okay if you say so." I nodded. Even though Amelia says that she's fine I know it's hard getting your hopes up and thinking there's a chance you're about to become a parent just to find out that you're not. When Jackson and I had a pregnancy scare earlier in our relationship he was so disappointed when it turned out I wasn't pregnant so I definitely know how upsetting it can be, but I also knew better then to push her and try to tell her how she should feel. "I have to go. Duty calls." I sighed as my pager went off for me to go out to the ambulance bay for an incoming patient. I left to grab a trauma gown before running out to the bay.

"Robbie Reeves, 12, MVC. Restrained passenger. Vitals stable. No LOC on the scene. Small scalp laceration." The paramedics informed me as they removed the patient from the ambulance.

"It was like a roller coaster!" The patient exclaimed.

"Alright. Robbie I'm Dr. Garcia." I said as I lifted his the bandage to view the laceration.

"Where's my dad? I got to ask him how fast we were going." He asked as another ambulance pulled into the bay.

"It looks like he's pulling up right behind you. Is your head hurting?"

"Barely. Can I ask him?"

"In just a minute. Im gonna to check you out first." I said before signaling for the paramedics to follow me and take the patient into the E.R.

"We passed a bunch of cars and we kept going faster and faster." Robbie rambled on as I examined him. He was extremely energetic for a child who had just been in a car accident but it was most likely from the adrenaline he still felt from the situation.

"Follow my finger with your eyes." I instructed which he did.

"Ow." He winced as the nurse dabbed at the laceration on his head with gauze

"That's quite a cut you got there Robbie. Does it hurt?"

"I can take it. Is my dad okay? Cause I should probably check on him."

"Right." I nodded.

"I mean, he's my dad." He said.

I paged April to see if she could wait a couple of minutes before taking Robbies dad to surgery so I could let him see him after I finished his examination. Once I finished doing a couple of more test I took Robbie to his dads room.

"You okay Robbie?" His dad asked as he pulled him into hug.

"I'm fine dad."

"Thanks for waiting." I said as I joined April at the side of the room,

"No problem. Just know I'm blaming you if Jackson starts complaining about me bringing the patient to the O.R. late." She said.

"Jackson can cool his heels for a few minutes upstairs. He'll be fine." I chuckled before scrolling through some of Robbies results while him and his dad talked.

"I'm not hurt. I'm really okay dad." Robbie assures him as he sat beside him on the hospital bed.

"Moms on her way buddy, okay. Listen to the doctors until she gets here. You hear me? Behave." His dad instructed him.

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