She's not as honest as you think she is.

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    Barry and Cisco were having a peaceful conversation about anything they could think of but they were really just worried about Caitlin, she had been injured and there wasn't much they could do. They had been so wrapped up about themselves and the city to notice that their best friend has been slowly breaking and then once they did notice they dealt with it in the wrong way. The city had been particularly quiet recently and crime was at a minimum so there was nothing they could do.

    Suddenly Julian ran in looking worried and guilty.

JULIAN: "Guys we have a problem!"

BARRY and CISCO: "What."

JULIAN: "Lets just say that maybe Caitlin died and I possibly removed her necklace so she would regenerate and she definitely now isn't Killer Frost roaming around S.T.A.R. LABS causing havoc."

     Julian barely had to finish before Barry grabbed his suit and ran off to find Caitlin. He found her, well not her - Killer Frost her,  just outside S.T.A.R. LABS. She had found a version of her costume and was just standing there.

KILLER FROST: "Ahh freedom."

BARRY: "Cait... please... come back"

    Killer Frost turned to look at Barry and just smirked.

KILLER FROST: "Hello, Flash." Sarcasm just dripping off her voice. "Do you really want me to stay here with you and your so called friends? Personally I think a better term is liars but whatever suits you. You don't believe me? Lets use, hmmmm, Iris as an example"

    Back inside Cisco, Julian, HR, Wally, Joe and Iris had gathered around the monitor and could see and hear everything that was going on. As Killer Frost says this everyone looked at Iris. She looked worried scared and distraught. She ran out of the room unable to hear or see anymore. Everyone turned back to the monitor. Barry looked angry but his vice remained calm, in fact he was slightly interested.

BARRY: "What about Iris?"

    At this point Iris ran outside. She was worried and scared, being the only one without powers and one of the other two was an evil ice queen. Her face, however only showed anger and pure rage.

IRIS: "Barry, don't listen to her!"

KILLER FROST: "Oh, hello Iris, come to ruin Barry's life for even more time"

    Iris ran off crying back inside S.T.A.R LABS, leaving Barry angrier and even more confused. 

BARRY: 'What has iris done? What does Frost want? What did she mean when she said about ruining my life with Iris? I'm happy with her. Am I? What does Frost want though? What does she want out of it? This doesn't seem like her. But then, like everything she does it was probably planned so what is that plan? Why can't she just leave my love life a lone and go back to being the Caitlin Snow we all need?'

    This time he showed his anger in his voice, unable to contain it.

BARRY: "What about Iris?"

KILLER FROST: "I would like to tell you but I also need to show you. I also seem to have forgotten about the cameras, thanks for the reminder Iris" (she said Iris particularly spitefully) "Take me to your apartment and bring me my laptop. You see, Iris, she's not as honest as you think she is. Surely you've noticed that she's hiding something from you? Surely you've notice that she's been distancing herself from you?"

    Barry thought about this for a moment, Frost was right. He did what she asked and brought her to his apartment. He thought about why she didn't want to go to her apartment whilst he was on his way there to get her laptop but once he got their he realised it wasn't her apartment. It was Caitlin's apartment. Killer Frost and Caitlin were, in her mind, different people with one hating the  other and vice versa. 

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