All the help we can get

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    A few hours later the atmosphere on the Wave Rider was tense. Very tense. Barely anyone had talked since the Legends found out about the Dark Flash and Killer Frost's identities. They were currently cloaked high in the sky and were basically just hiding from the two villains that had them overpowered. All of them had just gathered in the cockpit.

SARA: "We can't just stay in the clouds forever. That won't be useful in getting Barry and Caitlin back." 

OLIVER: "Where or when could we go?"

GIDEON: "I wouldn't recommend time travel as there aren't enough seats, not to mention all of you who haven't time jumped would all feel the side effects so a small jump would only be possible. The Dark Flash and Killer Frost are also in this time and don't play with time so we don't need to chase them through time. We need to find somewhere in this time near Central City."

CISCO: "We could use the same warehouse as when we fought the Dominators. We left the tech there in case of another team-up. Speaking of team-ups, Oliver I want to talk to you about something."

    The two men left the room and walked into the corridor. Oliver had a deadly serious expression and Cisco was somewhere close to that.

OLIVER: "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

CISCO: "Are we enoiugh to actually win?"

    This took Oliver by surprise. He hadn't thought about it but now he's thinking about it Cisco is right. Even with the legends they don't stand a chance.

OLIVER: "I don't think so... but we have to try. It's what the Barry and Caitlin we remember would want us to do."

CISCO: "Still, we could do with a few more..."

OLIVER: "Who?"

CISCO: "Supergirl."

    The two entered the room and then Sara set a course for their now base of operations. Everyone exited the WaveRider. Everyone was carrying their costumes and weapons (if they had any). Everyone except two. Vibe and Green Arrow were suited up and ready to go earth-hopping.

GREEN ARROW: "Ready whenever you are Vibe"

VIBE: "After you."

    Everyone was confused when Cisco opened a portal and the two jumped through but put it (correctly) down to the conversation they had earlier. Cisco and Green Arrow arrived on Earth-38 successfully and were immediately responded to with guns drawn. They had landed in the middle of the DEO. It took less than a second until Green Arrow had an arrow drawn and ready to fire. Vibe was the only calm one here.

VIBE: "Everyone stand down! We mean no harm. We are friends of Kara Danvers. Of Supergirl."

    At this point Supergirl flew in.

SUPERGIRL: "Hey Cisco, hey Oliver. What brings you two to National City."

GREEN ARROW: "We need your help. Again."

SUPERGIRL: "Ollie, we're all friends here you can turn your voice modulator off for a bit. What do you need my help for?"

VIBE: "That's the complicated bit. But first can you get your friends to lower their weapons!"

SUPERGIRL: "Guys you can lower your weapons. They mean no harm, not to mention the one in green could kick all of your asses in a minute."

ALEX (in the distance): "HEY!"

    Alex stopped at the arrow that flew close to her head.

SUPERGIRL: "Point proven."

    At this the DEO agents lowered their weapons and went about their own business. Alex, Jonn, Winn, Supergirl, Green Arrow and Vibe gathered around the central table.

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