Darkness and sadness

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    Later that night Killer Frost awoke to the sound of screaming. It came from Barry. He was still asleep and was convulsing back and forth. She knew what was happening as the same thing happened to her when she first became Killer Frost. He would be able to go through it easier, however because she was there. She couldn't take anymore watching and went over to him. He started talking in his sleep.

BARRY (asleep): "No... No... I trusted you! I trusted you all! You don't even care about me! After all I've done for you. Couldn't you have told me earlier." 

    Frost started crying at that and he woke up. He started crying to. Sobbing actually. Frost walked over and gave him a hug. He cried and cried down her back. Hugging her back in the process. Frost didn't care about this. She was happy that she was the one he could lean on. He cried and cried for minutes. She knew what he had seen. His ex-friends. The ones he trusted to keep him safe. Not caring about him. Throwing him away like garbage. There and then she wanted to make him feel cared about and happy again.

KILLER FROST: "It's ok Barry, it's ok."

BARRY: "No it's not." He started to cry harder "I spent my entire life putting my trust in people who didn't care about me or are dead. Everyone except one."

    Barry looked up at Killer Frost and she couldn't help but smile. He was talking about her. She was the only one he could trust and cared about now. It went both ways of course but Barry had assumed otherwise. Barry saw her smile, a proper smile, and couldn't help but smile too. They had that affect on each other. They could always make the other smile. They could always make the other feel better even at the lowest point of their lives. Now it was just them. Them against the world: heroes, villains and all. The world would lose.

KILLER FROST: "I feel the same even though I may not show it. It will be ok. I only trust and care about one person as well." She looked into his eyes at this and he smiled "I'll always here for you as long as your here for me."

    Barry couldn't stop smiling now. All of his sadness and anger was replaced by joy as he knew Killer Frost cared about him just as he cared about her. She thought the same. As friends they both had to remind themselves. They were unstoppable and they knew it. As long as they had each other, nothing could stop them. 

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