One-sided worry

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    While Barry and Killer Frost were having their little heart-to-heart, team flash had woken up and were worrying about their friends. Iris worrying about Barry. Julian worrying about Caitlin and everyone else worrying about them both. It was silent in the room as they woke up. They all stared at each other and realised the depth of the problem. It took a few moments until Iris broke the silence.

IRIS: "I don't see how those videos were enough  to make Barry do that?"

    Cisco had thought about this and knew the answer.

CISCO: "Their not. They only strengthened a small thought in Barry's mind that he had dismissed. It all started when his father died. We threw him in a cell instead of consoling him about his grief. Then there's flashpoint. After flashpoint everyone in this room hated him for a mistake with consequences he didn't want to happen. He tried to fix it and we hated him for it. Flashpoint wouldn't have happened in the first place if we consoled him about his father's death. After flashpoint some of us couldn't even look at him, me included. Everyone hated him except one. Caitlin. She consoled him while we hated him. She understood while we turned a blind eye to our friend/best friend/son's problems. He carried the weight on his shoulders and a rift formed. Once he saw the footage his trust was broken and the rift had grown. We had one final chance at bringing him back then saw that we had seen what he was seeing. He went to have a private conversation and we violated what was left of his trust. He's now gone and probably joined the one person who he thinks ever cared about him."

IRIS: "Caitlin."

CISCO: "Exactly. I think we may have just lost Barry forever."

    The realisation sunk in of what that meant. if Barry had joined Frost that meant he had turned evil and that meant that they had no chance. If Barry put his mind to it he could do anything. The two most powerful beings on the planet had gone rouge one by one and they hadn't even noticed until it was too late. They cared about their friends but their friends didn't care back. Cisco was thinking about this and something else came to mind. He said it out loud.

CISCO: " Guys, if Killer Frost has seen Barry cry like that and didn't change back to being Caitlin, Caitlin is probably lost forever. We now have the two most powerful meta-humans against us."

JULIAN: "Yes, but we have to try and get them back. If not Barry then at least Caitlin."

CISCO: "That is true but there is one thing you haven't thought of. They trust each other Frost and Barry and no-one else. If one of them thinks something the other will go along with it. Barry will do what Frost says and Frost will do what Barry says. To bring one back means we have to bring them both back together. They both feel betrayed by us so why would they. They think we don't care about them so if one lapses in that thought the other will reinforce it. Julian you are right we do need to try and bring them back but we need to wait for them to make the first move. Not to mention that it it highly unlikely that it will work. But it has to or Central City could be their playground. I hope their is enough of their old selves to restrain them from crime or their might not be much we can do. If they resort to crime all of the world's heroes might not be able to stop them. I could track them to see where they are in multiple ways but it wouldn't be worth it. Me and Wally couldn't take them without practice. And we're going to need it."

    Once that sunk in they realised the problem was unimaginably big. Cisco got ready to call Oliver and team arrow if thing got bad but for now they had to wait. See what Barry and Killer Frost would do. They couldn't leave S.T.A.R. LABS as it would be dangerous. Frost or Barry could come after them for what they "did" to Barry. Cisco was in two minds about this. Most of him was like everyone else: sad, worried, scared but a part of him, however small, was excited. He had always secretly shipped Barry and Caitlin and didn't think them turning evil would be how they finally noticed their obvious attraction to each other.

*A/N CISCO SHIPS IT!!!!!! (who doesn't?)*

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