The back-up plan

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    The Green Arrow looked at the arrow as he pulled it out of his quiver, studying it momentarily as memories flashed through his head.


    Oliver studied the arrow on the table. He had the extra firing mechanism sorted but he couldn't figure out how to power it. But he knew if he asked for help then they wouldn't give it. They wouldn't understand, this is a last resort, not something he wants to do. He hates the idea of doing it but knows ultimately that he might have to. Because if it comes down to it no-one else will be able to. But... maybe someone would... even though they are arguable the closest to them Felicity would help. She just understands his mind.

    And its as if she knew he wanted her, she just walked up to him and began to study what he was doing. She spent a couple of minutes giving it a meticulous look over before she took it from his hands slowly to study it further.

FELICITY: "You're trying to make an arrow... that shoots an arrow? Why wouldn't you just use an arrow?"

    Oliver looked down. He had to do this. He had to do this. But Felicity is 90% likely to kill him for it. But she might understand. She's the only person who will truly understand. He looked up meekly and whispered to her.

OLIVER: "Because Barry catches all my arrows."

    He looked down again. She wont understand. She won't understand. She won't-

FELICITY:  "Last resort huh? If it has to be done? Kill to save the world?"

    Out of context the words may seem sarcastic and angry. But they weren't. It was pure understanding. She took her eyes off the arrow and looked at him expectantly. He sighed sadly.

OLIVER: "Yeah. I don't want to and it'll be horrible to do but in the end, I have too. No-one else will."

FELICITY: "If this is a last resort and you promise that this is a last resort I'll help you. But only if you promise."

OLIVER: "I promise. I really don't want to. And I know it'll make him really angry. He'll hate me. But how he goes about revenge is what I don't know. The good news is that going after her seems to slow him down. So if our people start dropping like flies I know I can end it. I'll just have to do it."

FELICITY: "Ok. I'll help."




    Oliver heard her and ran in the room at lightning speed. She never exclaims like that unless she's worked out a difficult problem. Like the one they've been having for the last 12 hours.

FELICITY: "We've been trying to hide our own power source in the arrow but what we haven't thought is there's a massive power source out there! They don't split at all right? They're always together? And one of them is charged like a battery and leaking electricity? So if he throws his lightning then that's more than enough to charge this."

    She held up a cylinder that looked like all of his other arrow attachments but more like an empty white container. Like his Vertigo cure but teched up. She brought it back down and continued to work on it.

OLIVER: "That's great Felicity!"

FELICITY: "Are you sure that it's right? I mean I could be wrong or..."

OLIVER: "I've learnt by now you're always right."



FELICITY: "It was difficult but, I've managed to get it working. Just please, don't use it until you have to."

OLIVER: "I promise."

Oliver took the arrow from Felicity and studied it. He really hoped he wouldn't have to use it. But everyone needs a back up plan. And this was it.



    The Dark Flash stopped running and released his lightning The ATOM suit was overloaded and Ray knocked out because of it. Mister Terrific's T spheres are also struggling with the energy surge. Kid Flash was also knocked out by the lightning, the negative SpeedForce overpowering his positive SpeedForce energy. The lightning also sought out Vibe's gloves and goggles but it was breached back into the SpeedForce before it could hit him. A bolt strangely congregated near the bottom of Green Arrow's quiver before being almost absorbed but no-one paid any attention to it. He checked the sensor readings on the arrow. It was fully charged. He pulled out a normal arrow and fired at the Dark Flash. The fight truly began.


    The Green Arrow knew what he had to do. He loaded the arrow and closed his eyes for a second.

GREEN ARROW (under breath): "Forgive me Felicity."

    He opened his eyes. He checked his aim. He took a deep breath... He fired the arrow straight at Killer Frost

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