First confrontation

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    The Dark Flash and Killer Frost just stood there as the barrage of stun projectiles came towards them. They didn't move. They didn't care. They knew they wouldn't get hit. They just stood there. The Dark Flash hadn't even put down Killer Frost. He hadn't stopped vibrating the projectiles just flew through them and hit the vault door. He put down Killer Frost and turned to the vault door. He pulled out an arrow. A green arrow.

THE DARK FLASH: "Really Ollie? After all we've done you still use your baby arrows? You've upgraded for a lot less."

FELICITY (comm): "Don't listen to him Oliver."

THE DARK FLASH: "I bet you have Felicity on the other end telling you not to listen to me. So... predictable. Also, for the rest of you, if you want to break into a bank there are two bits of advice. One, make sure no one else has the same idea as you. Two, don't just shoot at the door. And if you were trying to shoot us, you do know I can phase right?"

    Everyone just sort of stood there, uneasy. Sure, none of them were inexperienced, but all of them knew Barry Allen in some way and all knew him as a fun-loving and all-round nice person, not a super villain. It was... unnerving.


KILLER FROST: "Um hum Sparky?"

THE DARK FLASH: "Who shall we humiliate first?"

KILLER FROST: "Well I don't think that this is everyone but I have the perfect remedy for that."

    With that Killer Frost let out a light frost from her fingers. Everyone in front of them started to freeze but then a loud clunk was heard.

THE DARK FLASH: "Mister Palmer, how nice of you to join us."

KILLER FROST: "There's one more..."

    The frost in the room became heavier and everyone's shivers were heard over the vibrating of a certain speedster in black. Suddenly two blue beams hit the floor in front of Killer Frost.

SUPERGIRL: "Really Barry? Super friends?! Remember?"

THE DARK FLASH: "You're the one shooting lasers at me!"

    Kara took this snarky response as a victory, that she had found some of the old Barry in there. She held on to that like only the girl of steel could and fought for more. The Dark Flash on the other hand was just mocking her, content with his life. Killer Frost lowered her arms and the heavy frost in the room dissipated. Everyone other that the three was lying on the floor, gasping for air and begging for warmth.

SUPERGIRL: "What about Sparky and Shreiky? Joining forces?"

THE DARK FLASH: "Eh, I have a better partner now."

    Kara was taken aback by this, not because of how she was discredited, but because of how it was like one step forwards, two steps back. Finally finding some ground and then losing it instantly. Killer Frost on the other hand had had enough. Two beams of frost, one from each hand, straight into her chest. Knocked her right out of the air.

KILLER FROST: "I thought heroes didn't cause property damage. Guess things are different on you're earth."

    After that was a barrage of attacks. First was Vixen and the A.T.O.M.. A speedy punch to the face took out Vixen while there was an icicle to the power pack on the side took out the A.T.O.M., along with a mumble of I need to fix that. Next came Citizen Steel and Kid Flash came in. The Dark Flash ran over and gave Kid Flash a barrage of punches while Killer Frost froze Citizen Steel. They threw both to the back of the bank and got ready for the next. Team Arrow came in next and were taken out quickly. All injured. No casualties. Only five people were left. Heatwave and the Martian Manhunter moved on Killer Frost while Green Arrow and White Canary attacked the Dark Flash. Vibe opened a breach and retreated to the top of the room surveying the battle.

    Killer Frost was shooting a beam of frost to counteract the beam of Heatwave's gun and noticed something. When the Martian Manhunter moved closer to the fire he got weaker. She formed a plan. The Dark Flash was locked in a fist fight with the Green Arrow and the White Canary. Even though he was much faster than the two they could still fight extremely well so they were essentially equals. The White Canary was slightly less skilled than the other two so the Dark Flash had an idea. Killer Frost stopped firing and dodged to the side, creating an ice shield in front of her as she went. The beam of fire passed close to J'onn and quickly knocked him out as well. Killer Frost and Heatwave resumed their beam-off. The Dark Flash quickly punched the White Canary in the face and added her to the number of unconscious bodies on the floor of the bank. Only three heroes (and I use the term loosely)remained.

    The Dark Flash was locked in heated combat with the Green Arrow. Killer Frost was locked in battle with Heatwave. Suddenly a streak of red lightning hit Heatwave, followed by an icy blast and he was also down. Killer Frost stalked her prey, ready to strike, when a vibration blast passed her side.

VIBE: "Don't do this Caitlin"


VIBE: "Yes it is. Dr. Caitlin Snow."

KILLER FROST: "My name is Killer Frost, Vibe."

    Killer Frost had said the last word laced with spite. He had the audacity to mention her name. Who does he think he is? Barry Allen? Whatever, she thought, he would die soon too. The two soon became launched into a projectile fight. Icicles and vibration blasts shot around the bank while the Dark Flash and the Green Arrow were still locked in intense combat.

GREEN ARROW: "You don't have to do this Barry."

THE DARK FLASH: "Don't call me that. Besides, yes I do."

    The two continued their combat as more icicles and vibration blasts shot about the room. One icicle came particularly close to Vibe's face. He opened a breach to block it. The other side? Right behind Killer Frost. The icicle struck her in the shoulder. She fell. Down towards the floor. But she didn't reach it. There was a blur of lightning and the pair were gone. Vibe looked horrified. Green Arrow turned to him.

GREEN ARROW: "Don't worry Vibe. You did what you had to do. Besides, it's just a shoulder injury. She'll be fine."

    With Vibe reassured he looked around the room at the mass of unconscious bodies and were happy that no more people had died. He sighed. Hauling this many people through a breach would be tricky.

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