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    Inside S.T.A.R. LABS it was quiet. Too quiet. Like the calm before the storm. And oh what a storm it would be. Suddenly there was a flash. A flash of red. A flash of lightning. There were two figures inside the lab now. One was lying on the bed in the med bay and the other stood over her. The figure standing over the bed was panicking. He was looking around the room for anything and anyone who could help. Of course, he knew no-one would come. No-one ever did do this for him except the person on the bed. Or at least she is the only one that meant it. The one on the bed was breathing in ragged breaths. But she was calm with a level only a doctor could achieve in this situation.

FROST: "Barry, your not going to help anyone by panicking. Slow down."

    With those words she started to release a light frost, knowing it like cool him down and slow him down. He pulled back his black mask and used his tear filled eyes to look Frost straight in the eyes.

BARRY: "How did you do this? How did you remain calm after every single time I hurt myself? I just don't understand..."

    Frost took Barry's hand in here and nearly used her other to move his head up but remembered the icicle inside it thought that keeping her arm still was a better option. She kept letting out a light chill, knowing that it calmed him and made it easier to reassure him.

FROST: "Barry... Barry look at me."

    Their eyes met and Frost saw again all of the unshed tears in his eyes. There were more. She had to do something and fast so they could at least remove the icicle in her shoulder before having a breakdown.

FROST: "You can do this. You know exactly what to do. You've seen me do it enough times. Ohhh look at this role reversal now. I'm the one on the bed and you're the one patching me up after I broke something."

    This caused a light snicker from Barry before he set to work on her wound. He treated, cleaned and stitched it perfectly.

FROST: "You're not going to start ranting at me are you?"

    This caused a laugh from both of them as they knew this was exactly what she would have and had done when/if the situation was/is reversed. Barry sobered down a minute later and looked Frost straight in the eye.

BARRY: "You could have died."

FROST: "I didn't-"

BARRY: "Cait, you could have. It would have all been my fault and... and... I can't loose you too, Cait. I've lost everyone and everything I've ever cared about except you. I won't, I can't loose you too."

    With that his voice broke and he just started crying, holding onto Frost and crying into her good shoulder. Frost sighed out an "Oh Barry" and held him tightly. They didn't know how much time passed in this position, they didn't care. They only cared that the other was there for them and would still be there for them to run home to.

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