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* X/ means crossover - since this chapter is a crossover*

*Characters from InterCosmicBooks book Flash: Betrayed (Killer Frost and Savitar) will appear in this chapter and events that have passed in his book so far will be referenced. I would recommend you check it out. Not only so you can understand these X/ chapters, which are vital for the story of I'll join you, but because it's an amazing book and it deserves all the support it can get. So if you haven't read it, I would go and do that before you read onwards...*

    Savitar waits for them on the other side of the portal. 

SAVITAR: "Are you two alright?"

    The Dark Flash's eyes flick over to Killer Frost as he checks for injury. Satisfied with what he sees he turns back to Savitar gratefully. 

THE DARK FLASH: "Thanks to you, yes. Who are you? Why would you help us?"

SAVITAR: "My name is Savitar. I am the God of speed, while I was looking into the multiverse I saw that you needed help. So here I ran."

KILLER FROST: "Considering you just melted a green shape-shifter, I'll take your word on it.

    Her eyes were scanning the Dark Flash, making sure he wasn't injured. But to a higher skill than Barry was - because she knew what she was looking for.

SAVITAR: "As to the reason why I helped you... Well you could say I like helping myself"

His suit unfolded as he said this. He smirked as he got up to reveal... Barry. He had a scar covering half of his face but... it was undeniably Barry in front of them. The Dark Flash pulled back his mask and looked at his doppelganger. 

*From now on the Barry and Caitlin from my story in any X/chapter are called Barry and Caitlin while Savitar and Killer Frost from Flash: Betrayed are called Savitar and Killer Frost*

BARRY: "I'm just glad to be out of there. It felt like I was going insane!"

    Caitlin looked at Savitar as if she was trying to work something out. She stared, caculating for a second then spoke

CAITLIN: "But something says I have a large part to do with that aswell. My doppelganger on your earth is your girlfriend is she not?"

SAVITAR: "Fiance actually..." 

    He replied while looking around the warehouse. He looked around the room, studying the features of the building. So similar yet so different.

SAVITAR: "You should be okay here. On my earth this was home for me and Caitlin, my Caitlin that is"

    Barry looked at the walls of the warehouse... they were somewhat familiar... He turned around to see the two mattresses that he had stolen for him and Caitlin at the beginning of his criminal career. And the table in the centre of the room. Their medical table once upon a time. It was the location of their first kiss! He remembered it like it was yesterday yet... it had been over a month since he had last been free, let alone their first kiss...

BARRY: "They were for us once upon a time aswell."

SAVITAR: "I assume you two need some time alone. I will be back in a few hours, See you then." 

    He said before flashing off WITHOUT his suit. Making their eyes widen.Barry flashed over to Caitlin and held her tightly. He was glad to be able to touch her. To be next to her once more. They stayed like that for several minutes, just holding eachother.

BARRY: "Do you remember what happened on that table?"

    He spoke cautiously, just in case she didn't. She looked over at the table memories flowing through her head from what happened that time. She then repiled, without question, certain.

CAITLIN: "Our first kiss. Right on top of that table."

     He flashes over to the table and places her on it so she's sat down on it. He locks eyes with her lovingly and has a small, but intensely happy, smile on his face.

BARRY: "You see Caitlin... being trapped in that cell it... it makes you think. About what you'll do in the future. About the people around you. And the only person I was certain on was you. I knew that I wanted to be by your side, that I wanted to be with you. I knew that I loved you. Truly. Inescapably. I know I wanted to wait before doing this but... being in that cell... it's shown me that I need to do this now. Caitlin Snow..."

     He got down on one knee. He reached behind his back and puled out a ring. He pulled out the ring that she had recovered from Iris all those weeks ago. Caitlin gasped, He wouldn't... would he? Would he want to?

BARRY: "Will you be the rightful owner of this? Will you marry me?"

    Caitlin looked at him in shock. He... wanted her. A tear started to run down the side of her face. A happy tear. She speaks softly, still in shock. Her lips curve into a smile as she does.

CAITLIN: "Yes..."

    She giggles slightly as she puts on the ring. She smiles at him as he stands up again. She throws her arms around his neck and her legs around her waist as reality kicks in. 

CAITLIN: "I love it Barry! I love you!"

Barry and Caitlin's foreheads touched together, relishing in the closeness between each other s they smiled giddily at each other. The four weeks apart had been difficult for them. Barry's face dropped slightly as he remembered his time in the cell. At Caitlin's enquiring look he begins to speak.

BARRY: "Cait... before you you walked in with the cure I... I was losing my mind. I was going insane. Just because I couldn't do things like this. I love you... I... I need you."

     He was putting his new found insecurity on show. It was his biggest fear, to loose her. Caitlin simply smiles at him.

CAITLIN: "Don't worry Barry, I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."

    Barry looked her in the eyes one more time before leaning in and kissing her, slowly, passionately. Caitlin did the same. They were almost reassuring themselves that the other was there. They started to speed up. And speed up. Until they were making out on top of the table where so many important milestones for them had come. They slowly got more primal... and more primal... until there were no clothes on them and lots on the floor...

    Back in his Earth, Savitar smiled as he watched his doppelganger propose to his Caitlin and turned away and closed the portal to give them their privacy. He only hoped that his Caitlin hadn't woken up while he was gone...

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