Chapter 12: High School

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Six months had passed since the birth of the twins. They had been growing more and more each day and they were indeed a handful. Despite that, Gohan and Kinoko loved Hiru and Niku more than anything in the entire universe.

The two tired teenagers groaned when an alarm clock buzzed in the morning. Gohan tiredly lifted his arm to shut off the alarm. He ended up smashing it with his fist and he wrapped his arm back around Kinoko as he went back to sleep.

The twins had kept them up last night since they wouldn't fall asleep. They were quite the gigglers. As many times as Kinoko glared at them and told them to sleep, they'd glare right back at her and then begin to laugh. At least they weren't criers.

After five minutes Gohan woke back up and rubbed his eyes. He looked over to Kinoko who was sleeping like a bear during hibernation.

"Kin, wake up. Time for school."

The Saiyan woman groaned and pushed Gohan out of the bed before pulling the covers over her head.

"I can't go, I'm too tired." She mumbled.

Gohan walked over to the twins' cribs and smiled at their sleeping forms. They were just so cute when they were asleep. He yawned and looked back to his own bed where Kinoko hadn't moved.

"Get up hun, or my mom will kill us."

"If she didn't kill us when I got pregnant then she won't kill us for not going to school. Besides, we need to watch the twins." She yawned

"My mom and Goten will, Kin."

Gohan walked over to his bed and pulled the covers away from Kinoko's body. She opened her eyes and glared at him before sitting up.

"Fine. But I don't want to go to that stupid thing."

"I don't either, but self-homeschooling isn't really working."

She glanced at the clock which read 7:30 A.M.

"It's too early..." She whined.

Gohan smiled, kissed her and pulled her close to his body.

"That might give is time to do other things."

Kinoko smirked at him and pushed herself away. "No thanks."

She walked into the bathroom and began to get ready for school as did Gohan. Afterwards they walked into their bedroom and Kinoko looked in their closet.

"What do I wear to school?" She looked over to Gohan who had his school clothes on, a white shirt, black vest, and red pants. "Gohan."

He walked up behind her and shrugged.

"Wear what you want I guess. As long as you have this."

He handed her the badge each student who attends Orange Star High School has to wear. She took it and nodded before changing into black girl cargos and a light grey shirt. She stuck the button on the end of her shirt then picked up the side bag with school supplies in it which ChiChi gave her. Gohan walked back over to the twins and kissed both their noses.

"We'll be back soon okay guys."

Kinoko crossed her arms and stood by the door.

"Let's go, we're gonna be late."

He looked over to her and noticed the irritated look on her face.

"Don't you want to say bye to the twins?"

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