Chapter 26: Stages

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The Saiyan team and The Supreme Kai were all transported to a new location thanks to Babidi. The wizard allowed an evil laugh to escape his throat as the surroundings of our gang became completely dark.

Their location; Planet Darkness.

Kinoko placed her arms out and began to moved around. "Planet of Darkness, well it sure is named correctly." She said. "Gohan? Where are you?" She called.

Gohan attempted to move around but the planet was literally black. "I'm over here Kinoko."

Vegeta, who was standing arms crossed not moving grunted when someone bumped into him. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU LITTLE HALF-BREED!"

Kinoko smiled when she felt Gohan's arm. "Oh, found you."

He placed his hand over hers and kept it there. They all looked over, not being able to see anything when they heard a yelp from Goku. The Saiyan raised on earth had just bumped into a rock.

"Ouch! A stone, that hurt... Hey what happened? Who turned out the lights? It's so dark I can't see a thing." Goku stated.

"Welcome to the Planet of Darkness," Yakon, the monster Goku was fighting spoke.

"Gosh, I can't see a thing. Can you, Vegeta?" Gohan asked.

The Prince grunted in response. Goku scratched his head in confusion as he listened to Yakon speak.

Said creature chuckled, "You're scratching your head aren't you?" He began, "You can't see me but I can see you."

The earths long time savior blinked in shock. "You can?" He asked.

"Sounds like he feels right at home." Kinoko noted.

Herself and Gohan looked to their right when they heard the Supreme Kai speak up.

"Yakon was born in this place, it's in the far end of the universe where no light can reach, thus, the Planet of Darkness." Supreme Kai explained.

Kinoko blinked and winced in disgust. "That thing came out of someone?"


(Niku and Hiru)

Gurgling their saliva leaving a small trail of dirt from their hands as they crawled, Niku and Hiru made it back to the waiting area. It appeared that these two little scamps had gone everywhere in the area. That was until they reached a door, with the word 'SATAN' plastered on it. At the foot of the doorframe stood a curly haired man. A man whom they had recognized from many T.V commercials and magazines that their mother and father would have a good time tearing up the paper and using them as basketballs for the trash.

They grinned a toothless grin and crawled closer as the man, also known as Hercule Satan, chatted with an employer. The twins were very small and silent. They made it into the champion's resting room and looked around in amazement.

There were new things to touch and explore to everywhere. They giggled as they crawled around under the tables. Their eyes landed on a bowl of fruit on the table making them want it. Hiru reached his arm up but much to his dismay he couldn't reach it. Niku attempted to do the same but it didn't work. The twins exchanged looks when the door slammed and a white towel landed over them covering their bodies. They curiously looked at each other while beginning to question who turned out the lights.

"It's them... It's them from the Cell Games." Hercule repeated trying to process what had just happened.

The so called 'champ' had seen Hiru vs Mirai and Kinoko vs Spopovich which caught much attention because of the transformations. Hercule sat back in his chair nervously bitting his fingernails and still feeling a bit of discomfort because of his match with Trunks.

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