Final Chapter

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A decade had passed since the defeat of Evil Kid Buu.

During the ten year period a few things had changed in the life of our heroes.

For one, Gohan and Kinoko ended up graduating high school and now both work as scientist for a big important firm. Kinoko didn't go through five years of homeschooling, plus three more years of high school for nothing. She decided she was gonna make all that reading and writing pay off. None the less, she kept all the Son men, Gohan, Goku, and Goten, on their toes about their training. She constantly reminded them of the events that took place when Majin Buu appeared, and that they had to be prepared just in case. They had built and moved into a home next to Goku and ChiChi's.

Speaking of training, Niku and Hiru began under Piccolo when they were three and a half. Just as he promised Gohan and Kin when the twins were infants, he taught them the basics. That would include; flying, sensing ki, suppressing their energy as well as combat skills and energy blasts. When they turned six, they began training under Goku who was teaching them about Saiyan powers. The two of them were now ten years old and while they weren't training, they were homeschooled by their grandmother, ChiChi.

Candy still technically lived with Hercule but she spent most of her time with the Son family. She had softened herself up with Kin over the years. The two would argue and still get in physical fights as if they were sisters. They had a love/hate relationship. Candy also helped train the twins when they were students of Piccolo.

Videl continued her city duties and was now head of the police department. Her usual help came from Majin Buu and Candy instead of the actual police men. She as well had become great friends with Kin but the two of them would still get in arguments as if they were teenagers in high school.

The last big change in the lives of the family was a new addition. When they twins were seven years old, Gohan and Kinoko ended up having another daughter. Her name was Somen, and she resembled Gohan more than the twins did. She had all of his facial features except they were girlish, and unlike her older siblings, her hair was black, and it reached her mid back. She had light grey eyes, and tanned skin. From the age of three, she was already the most difficult child. She was very serious, pushy, obstinate, and sometimes a little passive aggressive. None the less, she was still Gohan's little girl so to him she was worth the head aches.

A/N: Drawings of Somen can be found on my deviantART account. Look at my gallery and click on my "Trials of a Saiyan Characters" folder.

It was a bright and beautiful day on Mt. Paozu as an 18 year old Trunks knocked on the front door of Gohan and Kinoko's home.

"Hey, knock knock." The lavender haired demi- Saiyan greeted. He knocked softly on the front door which made it creak open slowly. Trunks poked his head in through the door frame curiously. "Hello? Gohan? Kin?" He asked.

He entered the home with his hands in his pockets as he glanced around. As he kept walking he spotted a picture of Gohan and Kinoko at their graduation. He was holding her bridal style as she was cheering of finally being 'free'. Beside it was a picture frame of the twins with little Somen when she was a baby in the middle. Somen was giggling as she yanked on their hair pulling them close to her. Trunks chuckled softly at the looks on their faces.

"I don't believe it!" A feminine voice said gaining Trunks' attention. "Trunks! What are you doing here?"

Trunks smiled as he faced her. She was on a ladder with a stack of books in her hand.

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