Chapter 22: Competitions Begin

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Music played, fireworks got shot up in the air as the tournament preparation raged on. Goku smiled as he stretched.

"Gosh Goku, you can't seem to stay still." Krillin noted.

Goku chuckled lightly, "I'm just excited."

Mirai glanced to his father then back to Goku, "I guess since you're fighting my father in the first round, it's something to be preparing for."

Hiru, who was sitting on the ground behind Goku smirked at Mirai. "Don't forget Trunks, you and I are fighting as well."

A/N: Future Hiru will call Mirai "Trunks" since he grew up calling him that.

Vegeta opened his eyes from being shut and he grunted.

"That's why I'm stretching," Goku said.


Kinoko and Gohan smiled as their twins giggled.

"They seem extra happy." Gohan noted.

Kinoko smirked, "probably cause ChiChi took off the glasses and turban they were wearing."

Gohan blushed, "hey they liked it."

Niku sucked on her fist as she looked around. Her tail was wrapped securely around Kinoko's wrist as they walked. Hiru was grasping on tightly to Gohan's gi. He was a bit grumpy since he was woken up from his nap.

"You know it's weird."

Kinoko glanced at Gohan. "What is?"

"Well shouldn't twins get sleepy at the same time? Especially ours, since they do everything together."

Kinoko chuckled, "you sound more and more like Goten each day."

Gohan smiled and bent down to kiss her head.

"Well I want them to always be close like they are."

Kinoko chuckled, "they will. Saiyan twins are very rare and they'll have a special bond that can't be broken."

Gohan smiled lightly. "You're right."

As the family kept walking, a worker came up to them. "Excuse me, there are no infants allowed back here." He informed.

Gohan frowned, "they won't be a bother. Really."

"I'm sorry but those are the rules. No infants allowed, now you either take them back to the place you had kept them or I'll have to disqualify the both of you."

Kinoko growled, "c'mon! It's not like two babies will bother anyone."

"I'm sorry but if you don't get those children away I'll have to call for back up."

Gohan began to laugh loudly making Kinoko and the worker man look over at him confusedly.

'What are you doing?' Kinoko asked mentally.

'Follow my lead.' He responded. "Right, well get them-"

He grabbed Kinoko's hand and he kept laughing as he walked around the man.

"Gohan?" Kinoko questioned.

He chuckled, "we got around didn't we."

The worker looked back to Gohan and Kinoko. "Excuse me but-" She yelped when she felt the workers arm grab her arm.

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