Chapter 24: Wizards Are For Real?

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Kibito began to explain to Kinoko why her energy was drained. Herself, Gohan and Kibito were flying after the others. They reluctantly left the twins with Videl who promised she'd get them safely to ChiChi. Kinoko growled as Kibito finished up telling her the history of Majin Buu.

"Bibidi, Babidi, Buu? What the hell is that?" Kinoko asked angrily.

Gohan balled up his fists. "So The Supreme Kai allowed my mates energy to be taken for some monster?!"

Kinoko glanced over at Gohan who was still showing signs of being angry. His tone of voice and facial expression said it all.

"It's fine Gohan. I'm alright aren't I?"

He locked his eyes with hers and pulled her closer to him. "I know Kin but, why you?" He looked to Kibito with eyes narrowed. "Why her?!"

Kinoko blinked from Gohan's serious tone of voice. Kibito seemed unfazed by it.

"Kinoko's energy isn't evil, but it's still not pure. It's the perfect combination that Babidi wants for the resurrection of Majin Buu."

Gohan pinched the bridge of his nose, "if you guys are against them reviving it, why steal Kinoko's energy?"

Kibito looked back to the son of Goku. "Gohan, we need to know where Babidi keeps his ship in order to stop him."

The half-breed crossed his arms, "When you fought Bibidi, why didn't you just destroy the ball Majin Buu was sealed in when you had the chance?"

"It wasn't worth the risk, we feared that any external stimulus might accidentally set him free." Kibito explained, "The ball in which Majin Buu was confined was hidden deep beneath the earth where no human could ever find it. So we allowed him to lie dormant. If our actions had cost him to be released we would have been powerless to stop him."

Kinoko blinked, "is he really that powerful?"

Kibito looked back to the Saiyan girl with his regular emotionless facial expression. "Yes, more than you can imagine."

Kinoko and Gohan exchanged looks before flying off faster to where the others were.


Hiru looked back when he sensed Kinoko and Gohan coming in close. Himself, Goku, Mirai and the others had landed behind some rocks in order to hide from Babidi, who's ship was before them.

"Well it's about time." He called.

Kinoko grinned and landed next to him, who was next to Goku. "I hope we didn't miss much."

Goku looked to his daughter in law with a smile, "glad to see you're okay, Kinoko."

The grin she had fell and was replaced by a scowl. "Yeah, but that bastard Spopovich won't be."

Mirai, who was on a rock beside The Supreme Kai looked at her. "Don't worry about Spopovich or Yamu anymore Kin, Babidi dealt with them already."

Gohan rose an eyebrow and glanced to his left towards Piccolo. "What is he talking about?"

"Babidi killed both Sopopovich and Yamu after they handed over Kinoko's energy." Piccolo explained.

"They kill their own men?" Gohan asked.

Kinoko rolled her eyes. "Sounds familiar enough." She spat.

Kinoko and Gohan looked down to all the characters in front of the ship buried in the ground. There stood three characters. The biggest one of them all had them had red skin, a goatee, two horns, large pointy ears, and animalistic yellow eyes. He went by, Dabura. The other was an alien like fellow who wore a black jumpsuit, with a white armored chest-plate covering most of his torso. He went by, Pui Pui. Last but not least, Kinoko glanced at a very small strange looking creature. Who she soon realized was Babidi.

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