9th February 2012

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Dear iBob,

Made some minor adjustments to my to-do list, so let's start with that.

Things to do:

- Learn Aarons full name... and interrogate him.
- Check on Matt (even though he wont remember me) <- still need to do!
- Wait for Ron to give me back my access to The Network
- Don't read Logan's diary - not worth it.
- Try and be nice to Sam, even if I hate her and couldn't care less if she ended up as shifter food.

As you can tell from that last one, Sam is back. I hate her. I hate seeing her with Logan and I hate that care about that. Just when we started to establish something of a friendship again, she is on him like bad fucking smell. I don't even know why she is here. Aaron took her with Raya and Keiran to stir me up, he even asked how they were doing after being reunited.

Fucking asshole.

God stop obsessing over this Elise! Snap out of it.

I ran away with Drew yesterday. He's kind of cool to just hang out with. Not dramatic, no ex girlfriend hanging around.... not yet. Knowing my luck she's bound to turn up anytime now. Maybe they can all double date *gag*

Boys are just not worth the effort; they're just trouble.

Like the incubus I met yesterday.  He was a six foot four, gorgeous pile of talkative trouble. I wonder what was up with his surfboard - who knew they even surfed?! I mean really, demons surf. I should tell Huntington, put that in those boring books. If there were images of demons like him, I would pay attention. No one wants to see flaky skin, skeletons with bits of decaying flesh hanging off them. I skipped those pages, but yeah. For a demon, he was alright ;)

Anyway, he had lots to say, even if it was cryptic.

We need to find Aaron... I wonder if Logan would be up for talking Alfie out for a late night walk?

I can be the bigger person, the past is behind us. This year is all about change and developing myself as a person, as a Hunter and if that means putting up with the two most hopeless, annoying, good for nothing, glorified animal control - i mean Trackers, I've ever met so be it. 

Elise Bunting
(taker of the high road)

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