Hunter: Trick or Treat?

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                                           Hunter: Trick or Treat? 


please note: This is intended as just a bit of fun and may or may not have anything to do with Part 3. I haven’t actually decided yet lol

Happy Halloween where ever and how ever you celebrate (or not) this day!! xx


As a Hunter, I’ve battled vampires, zombies, ancient Warlocks and ego tripping werewolves, but none of that helped me now. Stuck in a mexican standoff, I knew better than to show weakness and fear.

Narrowing my eyes, I rested my weight on one foot and sized up my opponent. Paytah, Alpha to a pack of an original race of werewolf, had once told me that I was small and fierce. No, I am just, well, me. The monster in front of me is small and fierce.

“I. Want. More!” It growled at me, mimicking my change in posture until the feet stomping started.

“No and whatever this is, isn’t going to work on me.” I snapped back, despite a few older ladies looking in my direction with frowns on their faces. Forgetting the thing in front of me, I watched them instead and they quickly kept walking.

Yeah, move along.

“I’m going to tell-” It started to yell.

“Yeah? You do that. I’m so scared!”

Pale, baby soft skin started to turn to pink, before turning into a dark shade of red. It’s next words were more venomous than anything I could ever manage. “You should be!”

“Problem ladies?” Logan, ever the charmer appeared at my side.

“I’m not just a lady, I’m a Princess!” The barely four foot body of attitude retorted. True to word, her costume of pink frills and sequins did give the impression of what every seven year old wished to be.

Shame she didn’t act like it.

“I sincerely apologise Princess Carly. I am just a wolf who doesn’t know better.” Logan bowed, yes, he actually bowed at the monster.

Despite that, I still got a kick out of the Tracker dressing up as a wolf - tail and all. I didn’t hide my laugh well enough and he glared at me before going back to diffusing the situation I was stuck in.

Princess Carly curtsied, clearly forgiving his faux pas and carried on her tantrum. “I don’t want to go yet. I want more!”

I’d give her more of something in a minute.

“Maybe Red Riding Hood over here can let you go to one more house, but then we have to go before, well,” he looked around nervously and then whispered to her. “Before the monsters come out.”

She didn’t believe him, or if she did, she wasn’t worried.

Looking around, the suburban street was packed with groups similar to ours. Older teens and parents chaperoned children dressed as anything and everything from house to house in search of more candy - trick or treating on Halloween. The sun was starting to set and already the switch from kids and toddlers to the pre-teen upwards was becoming obvious.

Somehow Logan and I, as well as Penny, Chris and my brother Jordan got put to work with a bunch of under ten’s who were all part of the next generation Hunters, Trackers and Slayers. A smaller Academy, similar to the one I went to has set itself up outside of New York and were starting to test out taking in students younger than the typical thirteen year olds. So far, I wasn't a fan.

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