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Finding a parking spot, I grabbed my bag from the back seat and started to check the couple of guns I had to make sure they were fully loaded. With a small dagger strapped to my upper thigh, this outfit didn't really leave much room for weapon storage and pulling out my purse, managed to get it close with the gun and my phone inside. Handing over the extra, I expected Drew to tuck into the back of his pants and he did without any questions.

"Can you put these anywhere?" I held up the wooden stakes and he fumbled with them briefly as they were strapped against his forearm.

"Why are we loading up to go to a gallery?"

"Because I'm not completely stupid or reckless. Going out without backup isn't the best idea, so if anyone or anything tries something, we might stand a chance in getting away." I tuck a UV torch into my cleavage and that's as good as it's going to get for me.

"Why are we even here?" Drew looks towards the stairs and a few people are already going in.

"I just have to check on someone, we won't stay long." He clearly wants to know more and I'm not in the mood to do so.

"Oh, your artist guy? Is he here?" If there is one thing I know about Drew, is he is fairly smart and quick to pick up on things. I'm actually surprised that incubus had been able to fool him so easily that day by the beach.

"Yeah, this is a huge night for him and I didn't want to miss it. He was invited by the gallery to showcase a few pieces and he has a couple going into the auction that's happening tonight too. It's a charity thing and he spent months on his submissions!" I still feel proud of Matt, he was a great friend and he deserves whatever success tonight brings him.

"You still care about him don't you?" Drew asks softly.

"He's a friend, I'd do anything for my friends - even the ones who don't actually remember me." I thought back to what Sam had said about her Logan being better as friends than lovers, and I guess that was the same as Matt and I.

"Shall we then?" In pure Drew style, he quickly got out of the car and opened my door.

"Aren't you a gentleman?" I tease, taking his arm I loop mine around his elbow.

"Only for the pretty ladies!" He flirts.

"You're quite the charmer too aren't you?"

"Well I know there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking!" Looking up at him he pouts, and I crack up unable to hold it in, which only makes him frown. "What? I'm serious?"

I can't answer as he makes duck lips again and as we join the line to get in, I get my phone out and bring up the invitation Matt had sent me a few weeks earlier, hoping it still gives me access and we won't have sneak in the back or do something more dramatic like jump through the roof.

Luckily it doesn't come to that and we get in with ease. Taking a glass of complimentary champagne, Drew keeps the waiter close as he manages to make a decent meal out of all the canapés. Finding one of Matt's pieces, the blue swirling mass is almost hypnotizing and staring at it, Drew gives up after a few minutes. "I don't get art. Photography, yes. This, no."

"Photography is more about telling you something, this is showing you. Find your own story on the canvas. That woman over there might love this, it might speak to her soul or some bullshit, yet you only see blue circles."

"Right. Oh that guy has samosas, want some?"

"No, I'm good with the bubbles!" He darts off after the newest tray of food and I wander along the wall, looking at the other pieces. I honestly didn't get art either, but I did get the passion, concentration and dedication Matt showed whenever he was working on something.

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