(Logicality) not good enough

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Logan yawned tiredly and looked at the digital clock resting on his desk, it was three in the morning meaning everyone else was still asleep, he rubbed his eyes and groaned. He was reading a large novel that he just couldn't put down, it was interesting and very very descriptive, it had romance and drama and mystery all mashed up together. Many things that he loved.

All in all it was a good book, though of course it did take a lot of his time, his throat was dry and his back ached. Not once had he gone up to eat or even use the bathroom, realizing that he was suddenly desperate for water he stood from his seat hearing the stiff joints in his back pop as he stretched, as he did so he almost immediately swayed to one side but he quickly steadied himself and regained his balance.

“That's the last time I pull an all-nighter.” He mumbled to himself and shook his head trying to shake away the left over dizziness, he readjusted his glasses before trudging out of his room dragging his feet as he walked out of his room and into the dark and silent hallway, everyone was asleep, of course they would be I mean who would be awake at three o'clock in the morning? As he passed by the last couple of doors something suddenly caught his attention, it was the sound of sniffling, someone was crying.

Was Roman watching the Lion King again? Logan rolled his eyes, sometimes Roman would have a Disney movie marathon that would last all night, but when he turned his gaze to the bedazzled door that belonged to the prince he was surprised to see that all the lights were off, there was a hiccup, and he immediately turned his head to the door beside him.


He turned fully to face the door which was decorated with pictures of puppies, kittens, flowers, and rainbows and placed his hand on the knob not wanting to startle Patton if he knocked. He took a breath and thought up an apology for intruding before he ever so slowly opened the door. There he saw Patton, dressed in his pajamas and sitting at the edge of his bed, his back to Logan, his shoulders shook and he once again hiccuped, Logan could tell that he had been crying for a while. He stepped into the room and quietly closed the door behind him, he paused, Patton wiped at his eyes, his glasses rested on the nightstand beside his bed, and sniffed trying desperately to dry his eyes.

Logan slowly walked up to him and reluctantly patted his shaking shoulder, as a response Patton jumped and looked at Logan with wide eyes, for a split second he looked petrified before he immediately pulled on a fake smile. “Logan!" He started, and then his smile faltered. “Logan?” This time he was confused. “What are you doing up? Do you have any idea what time it is?” He asked curiously.

“I was going to ask the same.” Logan responded taking notice of how pink and puffy Patton's eyes were. “Is something wrong?” He then asked as he sat beside the weak looking male. “Everything is f-fine, just dandy.” Patton grinned painfully, Logan heard the stutter in his voice it wasn't hard to miss. “Hey you wanna hear a joke about construction?” Patton asked cheerfully and suddenly as if trying to change the subject. “Patton i-” Logan tried to talk to him but he was quickly cut off. “Wait....I'm still working on it.” After that Patton laughed, it was obviously forced.

Logan then decided that he had had enough and gave him a hard look. “Patton I may not be one when it comes to emotions, but I know negativity when I see it.” He said in a stern tone. Patton almost immediately stopped laughing, but he made sure to keep on his smile. “I don't know what you're talking about, everything is fine.” He falsely reassured, but Logan wasn't having it, he crossed his arms over his chest. “You were crying Patton, I can tell.” He then reached out to caress his tear stained cheek, but what Patton did next horrified him.

He flinched.

He, the happy hyper and adorable person, flinched.

Logan lowered his hand not wanting to frighten Patton any more. “Oh god Pat...” He mumbled. “Who hurt you?” Logan was both furious and concerned. Who had dared to hurt Patton? The most sweetest and kindest person he ever knew. “I...” Patton dropped his gaze on his hands that rested on his lap, it was then that he noticed that he was trembling, Logan hesitantly reached for his hand and ever so slowly intertwined Patton's fingers with his own.

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