Chapter 11 - Pregnant peach.

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Knock Knock.

No reply.

I walk in.

I can't believe it.
I cannot fucking believe it.
Shane. Ryan.
Shane AND Ryan...

"What the FUCK?!"

I shout.
I'm absolutely gobsmacked.
My brother and my best friend.

"Ry its not what it looks like..."
Ryan says putting his arms out in defence.

"No, Ry it is exactly what it looks like.." Shane says lowering his head.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

I'm not mad. I'm upset.
Why did they feel like they needed to hide this away from me?
Am I that bad of a person?
How did they think I was gonna react?
Did they think I was gonna disown them?

"No one knows I'm gay, Ry."

"Ryan I love you, I don't care if you're straight, Bi, Gay, or transfuckinggender!"

"I'm sorry. I don't know why we didn't tell you."

"So that's where you've been Shane? With my brother?"

"Yeah babe, sorry.."

I run and pull them both into a group hug. I love them both terribly. I cant believe they thought they had to hide who they are..

"Listen to me guys, I love you both so much. This is amazing and I support you. Don't ever feel the need to shy away from being yourselves. I have to go I only came in to check in on you Ryan, but I'll speak to you later OK?"

They both smile and nod.

An hour later.

I shower. And get dressed.

I make my way downstairs, I hope to god I don't come into contact with Hunter. I can't look him in the eye after that dream.

I hear shouting. Oh god.. What is it today? Please don't let it involve me.

I walk into the kitchen where the shouts are coming from. I hear one voice over the others.


I see Ryan and Hunter standing next to each other and Mom the other side.
They all look mad. I walk towards them and position myself between Hunter and Ryan.

"Oh here she is. You're another one!"

"What the fuck have I done now?"

"Did you know??? I bet you all knew!!"

"Know what?"

"Your brother here is a ponse!"

Oh my god.

Have you ever been in a situation where it's very possible that in the next few hours you could be in a police cell for murder?
This is my time
The things I could do to this bitch right now...

"He's gay." I somehow manage calmly.

"Gay? It's fucking disgusting I never raised you this way Ryan! And the worst way to find out I find your boyfriend leaving!"

Ryan - he looks ashamed. My brother.
How fucking dare she!

"Sharon you need to stop with this shit, these are your children!"
Hunter finally opens his mouth. Not that he has to get involved I suppose we're nothing to him.

"Hunter don't you start me!" she screams.

He rolls his eyes and rubs his temple in frustration.

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