Chapter 14: Tranquillising confessions

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"I love you Kea! Man, I love youuuuu."

This was the injection effect; he had been screaming it for the past twenty minutes- non stop.

Well, he had started out by extensively explaining how he wanted to keep Aiden in a personalised torture chamber and inflict every kind of torment known to man.

So this was honestly a happy upgrade from the sermons of Reyes's wrath.

"Hey, where are my clothes?" He looked at his body paranoid.

And before I could answer, he had already forgotten about it and moved onto another interesting topic.

"Kea the moment I met you, aww I knew it was meant to be!" He sang. "Pay attention to me." He demanded even though I was doing nothing but listening to him. "I want to take you to this cafe in New York." He explained. "Don't go anywhere, okay." He said looking at me with so much innocence, it tugged at the strings in my chest.

"We'll go together." He moved his bandaged hand through my hair.

I simply nodded, trying not to take anything too seriously.

He was delirious from the medication and he wasn't going to remember anything once he woke up.

So I moved my hand over his hand. 

Drugged up Reyes was a needy child and while I hated all tiny humans without bias, him -I didn't seem to mind as much. 

"I want to touch your hair."

"You are touching my hair." I pointed out, amused.

"You're beautiful you know that?"

I just ignored that, trying not to blush or punch him, that seemed to make him needier.

"Kiss me and rid me of all this pain." He announced.

"You can't feel pain, Snow White! That's what the injection was for, it takes away the pain and relaxes you. Do you feel calm?" I moved my hand over his forehead.

"You're enough to calm me!" He held my hand in his less broken one and kissed it.

"I love how you smell. You smell like rain. Like RAIN." He chanted.

"You need to rest. Sleep." I smiled.

"Only if you kiss me first!" He gave me a cheeky smile. 

"How about I just lay right here next to you instead?"

"How about we get married." He gave me a wide grin, his eyes barely open.

I just laughed and climbed next to him as I hugged him, resting my head on his shoulder, he smelled of wet mud and hospital.

"Hey, Faye?"


"My mother would have loved you." He smiled with his eyes closed.

Would have?

That's when I realised how little I knew about Reyes Wilder.

I was in a spiral of thoughts of my own when he spoke again.

"Hey, Faye?"

"Yeah?" I said not moving, knowing he was speaking with his eyes closed.

"I do love you but don't remind me that I said it already okay? I want it to feel like I'm saying it for the first time when I'm not under the influence of calming drugs. Not like this not. I hate it when I can't remember things."

I wanted to believe him. But I reminded myself that this was just the drugs talking, that he didn't mean it. That he couldn't.

Because it had been too little time. 

Because I knew when more time passed he would realise that was I could not be loved.

I had closed my eyes when he added: "That's what had happened with her."

Wait a second! Who the fuck was 'her'?

I just decided to ask him before building things in my head. "With her?"

But sleeping beauty had decided to sleep on a cliffhanger.

I didn't wake him.

Also, he was tranquillised, I could have Metallica play in his room and he still wouldn't wake.

I tried to think of something other than the 'With her' thing and my mind drifted to the thing I had been trying to avoid all this while.

What had happened.

When Aiden climbed come over me, my phone rang on the side, I could see it was Reyes calling, I tried to reach out to it but Aiden threw it across the room, smacking me across the face as I tried to pull away, kicking him in the stomach. My face burned from how hard he had hit me but when his lips kissed the assaulted area, I preferred the pain. 

When the second call ended, unanswered, I slumped back. My hope wavering.

Aiden ripped my top off so violently, it left bruises on my stomach. He kept gripping my bare skin when I tried to break free from beneath him.
When he licked my ear, I wanted to vomit. I wanted to howl, I wanted to rip him to shreds.

I had wriggled my hand out of his grip as he held them above my head and pulled his hair with so hard, I plucked them out. That hadn't stopped him either, it just made him flinch as he dug his teeth into my collar bone. 

He was tugging at my jeans when Reyes saw me and my heart eased and sank at the sight of him.
The look in his eyes scared me too. They were red. 

There was so much anger in them.

And I had been right.

I moved a hand over his plastered hands, the guilt never leaving. 

I was the reason.

The reason Reyes was now lying in a hospital bed with police waiting to question him.

The reason why he was brought in here, broken and bleeding. He had a bruised rib on top of everything.

He'd had tears in his eyes when he had seen me like that.

How he had looked more beast than man when he had pulled Aiden off of me.

How he would have killed Aiden if Lucas hadn't come and dragged him off.

How I had barely kept him from going to Aiden and murdering him.

His face was splattered with blood, mostly Aiden's, some his own.

How guilty I felt for the state he now lay in.

My eyelids felt heavy after some time, too heavy, my limbs could barely function that was probably because I hadn't stopped pacing since they had brought him here, I yawned for the hundredth time, the exhaustion of the days' events beating me to it.

I think I was scared to close my eyes, the nightmares I had were already hard to deal with, the ones that I feared and knew would come eventually was just gonna turn me into an insomniac.

Even before I could complete the thought I was out like a light. So much for insomnia..



I'm so sorry for the late update but I'll more than makeup for it in the next chapter I promise. Until then enjoy.

Reyes- Yeah enjoy how I've managed to make a complete ass of myself.

Author- Oh shut up.

Reyes- Fine I'm not even going to say it today then.

Author- Cool I'll just put you in a coma in the next chapter then.

Reyes- Heyyy people come on, Comment, Vote, Follow, Share. Seriously MY LIFE depends on it!!

Author- Aren't you a peach.

Reyes- *rolls his eyes.*

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